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Thursday, November 4th Agenda Bellwork- ? Assignment # 9 Jeopardy Notes Homework Assignment # 10 Note card –Only 1 note card!!!! Must have AT LEAST 15.

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2 Thursday, November 4th Agenda Bellwork- ? Assignment # 9 Jeopardy Notes Homework Assignment # 10 Note card –Only 1 note card!!!! Must have AT LEAST 15 facts and BE NUMBERED or no credit.

3 Chapter 5 Jeopardy RedBlueGreenPurple Black Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question When the new government was establishing the nation and setting examples for the future, George Washington called it setting _________.

5 $100 Answer When the new government was establishing the nation and setting examples for the future, George Washington called it setting precedent.

6 $200 Question What is one topic Jefferson and Hamilton agreed on?

7 $200 Answer What is one topic Jefferson and Hamilton agreed on? Moving the Capital!

8 $300 Question Define national debt.

9 $300 Answer What is the amount of money owed by the nation to foreign countries and its citizens.

10 $400 Question Hamilton’s economic plan involved consolidating debt, raising tariffs on foreign goods and doing this for bonds????

11 $400 Answer Hamilton’s economic plan involved consolidating debt, raising tariffs on foreign goods and doing this for bonds???? Paying the full value of war bonds to increase the trust in the government.

12 $500 Question Hamilton wanted a “flexible” constitution, but Jefferson wanted this kind.

13 $500 Answer Strict Construction

14 $100 Question A “protective tariff” adds a price to foreign goods to protect them from foreign what?

15 $100 Answer A “protective tariff” adds a price to foreign goods to protect them from foreign what? Competition

16 $200 Question Hamilton was able to change southerners’ minds about war debt when he supported doing this.

17 $200 Answer Hamilton was able to change southerners’ minds about war debt when he supported doing this. Moving the capital to Philadelphia

18 $300 Question Hamilton thought the future economy would depend on business, but Jefferson thought it would depend on this.

19 $300 Answer Hamilton thought the future economy would depend on business, but Jefferson thought it would depend on this. Farmers

20 $400 Question What did the Neutrality Proclamation say and who made it?

21 $400 Answer George Washington wrote the Neutrality proclamation said that the United States would not take sides in the European disputes.

22 $500 Question What is the name of the treaty written in the 1790’s that defined boundaries and expanded our territory?

23 $500 Answer What is the name of the treaty written in the 1790’s that defined boundaries and expanded our territory? The Treaty of Greenville

24 $100 Question What was George Washington’s opinion on Jay’s Treaty?

25 $100 Answer from H3 He didn’t like it, but thought it was the most that could be done.

26 $200 Question Pinckey’s Treaty solved the dispute over Florida with which country?

27 $200 Answer Pinckey’s Treaty solved the dispute over Florida with which country? Spain

28 $300 Question The British were supplying the American Indians with guns to fight settler’s. Why were the Indians upset?

29 $300 Answer They did not want American settlers on their land.

30 $400 Question How did the Whiskey Rebellion end?

31 $400 Answer The rebels fled before Washington’s troops arrived to fight.

32 $500 Question Why did Washington personally lead the militia against the rebels in the Whiskey Rebellion?

33 $500 Answer He was defending Congress’ Constitutional right to impose taxes.

34 $100 Question What 3 things did Washington warn against in his farewell address?

35 $100 Answer Foreign alliances, national debt, and political parties

36 $200 Question What was different about the election of 1796?

37 $200 Answer It was the 1 st time that multiple candidates had run for office.

38 $300 Question What were the 1 st two political parties in the United States?

39 $300 Answer Democrat-Republicans and Federalists.

40 $400 Question How did the vice president get chosen in the 1796 election?

41 $400 Answer The candidate that came in 2 nd place.

42 $500 Question Hamilton founded the Federalist Party. What power did they want to limit?

43 $500 Answer The Federalist Party wanted to limit the state government’s power.

44 $100 Question Why did the Federalists support the Alien and Sedition Acts?

45 $100 Answer It was their way of protecting the country from Republican critics.

46 $200 Question Why did the Republicans not like the Alien and Sedition Acts?

47 $200 Answer They felt it gave too much power to the federal government and took away states rights.

48 $300 Question What was the XYZ affair?

49 $300 Answer An incident during Adam’s presidency that involved 3 French agents wanting a bribe for discussing a U.S. treaty.

50 $400 Question What two U.S. leaders supported the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions?

51 $400 Answer Madison and Jefferson

52 $500 Question What is the electoral college?

53 $500 Answer A group of delegates that cast the deciding votes for the president.

54 Final Jeopardy

55 Final Jeopardy Answer

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