Selecting the Right Exercise Cardio Endurance Muscle Endurance Muscle Strength Fat Burner
Safety Issues Choose safe places and times Dress Appropriately Choose good equipment Think about the weather Listen to your body
Before and After Warm Up- Gentle exercise you do to prepare your muscles for vigorous activity. (easy aerobics with a stretch) Cool Down- Gentle exercising that let your body adjust to the workload. (brings blood circulation back to normal and lowers body temperature)
FIT Goals Frequency- How many times you workout in a week. Slowly increase and change workout. Intensity- Working out harder. Increase muscular and cardio endurance. Time- Length of a workout. Should target 45 minutes to an hour.
Target Heart Rate Target Heart Rate- Number of heartbeats per minute you should aim for during vigorous exercise for cardiovascular benefit. Maximum heart rate, subtract age from 220. Multiply by 6 for low end of heart rate range. Multiple by 8 for high end of heart rate range. Pg. 139 activity L2