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Planning a Personal Exercise Program. Does this represent your life?

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Presentation on theme: "Planning a Personal Exercise Program. Does this represent your life?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning a Personal Exercise Program

2 Does this represent your life?

3 How to choose the best activities Cost Where you live Your level of health Time and Place Personal Safety Comprehensive planning

4 Principles of an Exercise Program Overload  working the body harder than normal. Progression  gradual increase in overload to achieve higher levels of fitness Specificity  particular exercises and activities improve particular areas of fitness.

5 F.I.T.T. Frequency –3 to 4 times a week Intensity –Must reach overload Time/Duration –Working within target heart rate range for 20-30 min. Type –75-80% aerobic and 20-25% anaerobic

6 Repetitions and Sets To improve fitness, you must do enough repetitions of each exercise to reach fatigue. –Repetitions represent how many consecutive times you do an exercise. Example: 8-12 reps of bicep curls. A set refers to a group of repetitions, followed by a rest period of about one minute. –Example: 3 sets of 8-12 push ups with a minute rest in between.

7 Warm up & Cool Down Must be included in EVERY WORK OUT! Prepare your muscles for work out by increasing heart rate first and then stretching. VS Prepare your muscles to return to a resting state and stretching. Sometimes the warm up can be the same as the cool down!

8 Monitoring your <3 Rate –Knowing your heart rate is important for three reasons: 1. It assures you are training at the right intensity to gain benefit from the exercise. 2. It also assures you are exercising at a safe intensity. 3. It can tell you the amount of time you exercised in your target heart rate zone.



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