Bone Health Through Life Lynne Smart Acting HOS Health Improvement Promoting Wellbeing Team, SHSCT.


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Presentation transcript:

Bone Health Through Life Lynne Smart Acting HOS Health Improvement Promoting Wellbeing Team, SHSCT

Ageing Population SHSCT area has an increasing & ageing population Many people are living longer, fuller lives maintaining their independence, health and quality of life. Others experience significant health problems, including osteoporosis, falls and fragility fractures ‘Active ageing’ is essential to maintain bone health & remain independent and well as we age

Strategic Direction Making Life Better : a whole system framework for public health Home Accident Prevention Strategy 2015 Population has the best chance of living safely in the home environment, with minimal risk of unintentional injury Active Ageing Strategy 2014 NI is an age friendly region National Osteoporosis Strategic Plan 2013 vision of a future without fragility fractures

Service Framework Older people Standard 7: All older people should have access to evidence based health & wellbeing advice, information, programmes & and services tailored to address specific and varied health & wellbeing needs across their life course Standard 13: All older people should be informed of the factors which increase the risk of falling or harm from falling (including osteoporosis)and be able to access interventions to reduce the risk. to minimise injuries and deaths caused by home accidents, for those most at risk. Standards 28/29 : through primary care &secondary care older people will be offered multi-factorial, evidence based falls and bone health assessment & intervention

Active Ageing The benefits of living longer will only be realised if we all recognise and respond to both the challenges and the opportunities it brings. We need to fully utilise our patient/public contacts to increase, prevention, early diagnosis and treatment to support bone health and reduce the risk of falls. PWB team provide a range of services & programmes that contribute to bone health, active ageing and home safety: stop smoking support, walking, cycling, Strength& Balance training, Cook it, Mealtime Volunteers, Home Safety and falls prevention initiatives ….

Risk & Protective Factors Bone health Gender Age Heredity Medical conditions Medications Calcium consumption Vitamin D Quit smoking Moderate alcohol Physical activity Posture Some medications

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