Welcome Prospective Eagle Candidates. May 29, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Prospective Eagle Candidates. May 29, 2012

Eagle Preview Agenda Why become an Eagle? Eagle requirements Requirement # 5 “The Service Project” –Overview –Proposal Process –Project Plan – tips and suggestions Application Procedure Board of Review Court of Honor

Why Become an Eagle? Only 5% of all Scouts Admission to colleges and military academies Career advantage Lifetime recognition/self satisfaction Leadership and decision-making skills that will benefit you the rest of your life

Eagle Requirements: After your Life Scout Board of Review: 1.Be active for 6 months 2.Live by the principles of the Oath and Law 3.Earn 21 merit badges 4.Serve in a leadership position six months 5.Complete requirement # 5 6.Take part in SM Conference 7.Pass an Eagle BOR

Eagle Scout Service Project Overview Big Helpful Meaningful Long lasting

Eagle Scout Requirement 5 While a Life scout plan, develop and give leadership to others in a “Service Project” helpful to any religious institution, school, or your community.

“While a Life Scout” Don’t start too early… …you need to have successfully completed your Life BOR

Plan, Develop … Planning is a key component A project that does not require significant planning will not be approved –The proposal is an outline of the project concept –The plan which details step by step how to carryout the project

Give Leadership to Others –No set standards for the number of people Most projects involve over 10 volunteers Some involve over 30 –No set standards for the number of hours National average is 150 hours Many projects are 300, 400, even 500 hours

Who is a Beneficiary? Religious Institution, School, or Community Need not be a registered as a non-profit (but they usually are) Community has a very broad definition –Example: A person is unable to maintain his property. If it has become a public eyesore, the “community” may benefit from a project to improve the property.

The project cannot involve Council property or other BSA activities Business or individual Primarily fund-raising (except for materials or supplies needed) Solely around routine labor –Cleaning, Mulching, Spreading –Setting up or Tearing down

Types of Projects Construction Landscaping Special Events Overseas Aid Organizations

Where to get Ideas Church or school City, State and County parks – Preserves Newspapers – local County Libraries Police or Fire Department Internet Sites Eagle Scouts or Advisors

The Eagle Project Approval Process

Eagle Scout Project Workbook

Home Calendar Activities/Civic Services Advancement/Awards –Adv. & Awards OverviewAdv. & Awards Overview –Cub Scout YouthCub Scout Youth –Boy Scout YouthBoy Scout Youth –Eagle Scout Award –VenturingVenturing –Adult Awards …Adult Awards Camping Training Online Tools …. Advancement and Awards Eagle Scout Eagle Resources Materials to guide and support Life Scouts in attaining the rank of Eagle. District Advancement Chairs Life to Eagle Packet Materials Eagle Scout Rank Application… Service Project Checklist and Tips… Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook – PDF Northernstarbsa.org

Eagle Scout Project Process Phase I Proposal Approval Phase II Planning (no longer approved) Phase III Execute the Project

Proposal Project Outline

Proposal The Proposal - describe the basics: –Overview of the project and it’s benefits –Include sketches or “before” photos –You need estimates for: How many people and hours Materials, Supplies and Tools (including costs) A general description of the Project phases or steps Additional planning items

Proposal Approval The project proposal must be approved by: –Unit Leader (Scoutmaster ) –Benefiting Organization –Unit Committee (Committee Chair) Then you are ready to meet with the District Advancement Committee Member The proposal MUST have all 4 approvals before beginning the detailed planning process and any project execution.

Final Plan “Approved” Proposal Outline D e t a i led to s ma ll e st point

Project Volunteers How many? Create teams? Will you need helpers with specific skills? –Adult to operate truck or power tools Use your recruiting as a way to inspire and train other Scouts. –Teach younger scouts how, practice –Younger scouts can help measure, etc

Project Volunteers Include: Scouts, youth groups, friends, church and classmates Limit family or relatives Exclude employees of the beneficiary

Adult Volunteers BSA policy requires two adult leaders be present with at least 1 adult completing BSA Youth Protection Training!

Step By Step Instructions Step 1. asking for help. Included Description of the project, who it benefits The days and times we plan to work. The conditions I.E in or outside - potential weather conditions If it rains or snows, Cell # number if you get lost, food allergies. Step 2. Pick up supplies Step …. Greet volunteers… Cut the pieces Cut all the pieces according to the cutting list and cut the plywood wall panels to the shapes and dimensions as shown in the pictures to the left. Nail the front….. Identify specific tasks Create a workday schedule

Sample Construction Diagram and Cut Diagram How to cut the pieces, lengths etc. Describe how the pieces fit together

Sample Landscape Diagram Show spacing Soil preparation Type of plants Include plant care

Safety Hazards Identify safety hazards Weather - cold or hot How will you ensure the safety of your helpers? i.e. breaks, water, warm up How will you be prepared for an accident if one occurs?

Fundraising Guidelines How will you pay for the project? –Identify funding sources –Receive commitment for funds and/or donation of materials A Fundraising Application is required if funding comes from other than: –Beneficiary –Candidate or his family –Members of the Troop or their parents –Charterer Organization

Fundraising Guidelines (cont’d) Fundraising Application must be approved by District –Same person who approves the Proposal Fundraising is done on behalf of the beneficiary –Not on behalf of Scouting or Chartered Organization –Receipts to be given by beneficiary (if requested) –Excess funds turned over to beneficiary

Service Project Report Last section of Workbook Summarizes the project –What went well/What was challenging? –What changed from the plan? –Discuss your leadership –How many hours –Funding

Final Plan The final plan is NOT approved. We STRONGLY suggest having an Eagle Scout Coach or district member review the final plan. The Workbook will guided you through key topics… you write the details. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR HOURS! –Record in the Service Project Report

Create A Word Picture Take “before” pictures Take lots of “during” pictures Preserve the memory with finished project pictures

Eagle Application Procedures

Eagle Scout Rank Application

Use the current BSA Eagle Scout Rank Application Complete all required information. Entries must be legible or online. For online version, go to Acknowledgment/Awards; then Life to Eagle; then to Eagle Application from the Northern Star website Northernstarbsa.org

Common Questions Date you joined Troop –No official date is recorded at council –Suggestions are Arrow of Light date, date on Boy Scout registration form, or March 1 ( The date must be before you earned a merit badge.)

Rank Dates At least 4 months have passed between 1 st Class and Star At least 6 months have passed between Star and Life and between Life and Eagle All dates must be prior to 18 th birthday

References Six letters of references are required; five if you do not have an employer Letters are submitted by all references including the parents to Eagle Advisor Letters are confidential and only shared with BOR References should not be members of the BOR

Scoutmaster Conference All requirements, including Scoutmaster conference, must be completed prior to the 18 th birthday. For the conference: –Completed workbook –Completed application –All handbook requirements (except BOR) –Statement of Life Goals/list of Achievements Ambitions and life purpose Leadership positions in church, school, or other organizations Honors and Awards received

Eagle Application Process Pre - Eagle Board of Review Activities –Paperwork to Council (originals only) Eagle workbook Eagle application Letters of reference Life Goals/Achievements –Approved paperwork is sent to District Advancement Committee member

Eagle Board of Review

Board Composition: Minimum of 3, maximum of 6 impartial members. One member must be from District Advancement Committee * People who cannot serve on the Board: Scoutmaster from the Candidate’s Troop Assistant Scoutmasters from the Candidate’s Troop Parent or Guardian of the Candidate Relatives of Candidate Bring Scout Handbook Class A uniform and sash (With all badges and life rank) (The unit leader may remain in the room, but does not participate.

The Board Of Review The Board will convene early to review your paperwork and letter of recommendations. You will be invited to join the Board discussing: –You and your family –Your Scouting Life and experiences –Your Leadership Project –Your future aspirations

Determination of Eagle Rank The Board will dismiss you from the room while they discuss your candidacy. The decision must be unanimous The Board will invite you back to the meeting to hear the decision.

Determination of Eagle Rank If not accepted: –You will be told the reasons –You will be advised as to how you may meet the requirements within a given period of time. –A written letter will be sent confirming the agreements reached on the action(s) necessary for advancement. –An appeal procedure will be explained to you if you disagree with the Board’s findings.

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

It’s a celebration and recognition of a major accomplishment The COH is planned by the Eagle Scout Should be: –well planned, –well conducted, and –a dignified occasion

Eagle Scout Court of Honor Plan well in advance –Develop a script –Send invitations and publicize in local newspaper include troop parents, church, community, and school leaders –Use a printed agenda –Have a reception –Send thank you notes

Court of Honor Resources Council Main Scout Office –Free Court of Honor Kits –Reserve well in advance by calling the Council Office (763)

Court of Honor Resources Northernstarbsa.org Available from the Council Website –Eagle Court of Honor Scripts, Workbook and Planning Guide Available from the Council Office –Planning an Eagle Scout Court of Honor $2.00 –Eagle Scout Award Ceremony Guide $2.00 –Free COH kits can be reserve well in advance by calling the Council Office (763) –

Court of Honor Resources Additional Web Sites – – –

Once an Eagle, always an Eagle College Scholarships –Northern Star Council: cholarships/ cholarships/ –National Eagle Scout Association (NESA): Networking –Northern Star Council Annual ‘Gathering of Eagles Dinner’ – 4/26/12 Facebook “Northern Star Council Eagle Scout Network” –NESA:

Questions & Answers