The Big Six Approach to Locating, Evaluating and Sharing the Information You Seek at Bristol Elementary School.


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Presentation transcript:

The Big Six Approach to Locating, Evaluating and Sharing the Information You Seek at Bristol Elementary School.

Research Philosophy Statement All information seekers should have unlimited access to all available data, at all times, from all locations.

  It is a way to help you successfully complete a research project by breaking the task up into steps to follow… What is the Big Six?

Here are the basic 6 steps: 1.Task Definition. Decide what you want to find out. 2.Information Seeking Strategies. Where is information available? 3.Location and Access. How do you find the info you need? 4.Use of Information. How will you use the resources to find the information? 5.Synthesis. Organize the information and present your information to others. 6.Evaluation. Check your product. What could you do better next time?

Task Definition Decide what you need/want to find out. What do you want to learn? Try to narrow your focus by asking these questions. What information has to be included? What did your teacher say is required for this project? Are there specific questions that need to be answered? What is the length of this assignment? Is this a short research or larger report? Should it include as much information as you can find, or should you focus on part of the subject?

Information Seeking Strategies Where is information available? Non- fiction books in our Bristol library. Encyclopedias, both text and online Databases

Using our online catalog… …locating the material on the shelves Non Fiction Books in our library

 Encyclopedias (Print) ◦ They are located in the Reference section of our library, call # 031 ◦ Remember to use alphabetical order to find the volume you need. Encyclopedias (Online) ◦ On our Bristol website navigate to the student page and click on the World Book iconBristol website ◦ This can be accessed from school or home. Remember your access code. Username: dist11Password: dist11

Databases  Discovery Education is an outstanding source for audio and video and still prints. ◦ Access is available from home or school by locating the Discovery Education icon on our school ‘s website student page. ◦ Remember your access code when using this resource from home. It is your school username and password.

Non-Fiction books  Remember all the features of non-fiction books as you read, or have them read to you. You can find great information by using : captions, chapter title, illustrations and photographs, the index, the glossary and table of contents. Encyclopedias, both print and online.  Use the print encyclopedias as you would a non-fiction book by using headings and captions to narrow your search.  Online articles in the encyclopedia can often be heard by using the read aloud option. Sometimes videos are also available, along with dictionary and print options.

Discovery Education  You have a variety of ways to learn from this resource. Watch videos, listen to audio files, look at still pictures and illustrations, take quizzes and more.  Use your school network user name and password to access this resource from home. Is the information you are getting, answering your questions? Be sure to check.

How will I organize my material?  Sorting information in a useable format can help you present a clear product. Here are some reminders of how to organize information. Venn Diagrams Cluster Webs Tree Maps Two Column NotesSummary

How will I present the information?  Unless you are told it needs to be presented in a certain way, the only limit is your imagination…but be sure you know how you are to present your final product. a speecha poem written report art work a play music

Did I remember to cite my sources?  It is necessary to give credit to the resources you used in your project. Not doing so is against the law. That’s called plagiarism.  Each resource has a format to use while citing sources. The information should be presented as follows: ◦ Book: Authors Last Name, First Name. Title. Place of publication: Publisher, Copyright. Print. ◦ Encyclopedia (Print): Authors Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Encyclopedia. Date of edition ed. ◦ Encyclopedia (Online): Authors Last Name, First Name. “Title of Article.” Name of Encyclopedia version. Name of Publisher, Date. Web. Date of access. ◦ Database: Discovery Education : Producer. (Copyright date). Title. [Format type]. Available from website url/

You can find the citation information in these places:  Book: The title page and the verso page (usually the back of the title page).  Encyclopedia (Print): The title page and the verso page of the volume, the title of the article and at the end of the article.  Encyclopedia (Online): At the end of the article.  Database: Discovery Education: This information can be found by selecting the citation tab above the selected source.

Look back to your original questions. Did you answer them? Did you communicate your information with your listeners/readers? What should you have added or deleted from your project?

Remember …. We learn as we grow… We grow as we learn…. We do this all our lives.