Useful Guide to your Grocery Store to support your Paleo Challenge Strict Paleo List.


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Presentation transcript:

Useful Guide to your Grocery Store to support your Paleo Challenge Strict Paleo List

Foods to Enjoy Always Vegetables – All leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, greens, kale, bok choy, etc) – Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, Broccolini, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower – Summer Squash & Zucchini – Eggplant – Celery – Artichokes – Asparagus – Carrots – Tomatoes – Peppers(all colors) – Onions, Garlic, Scallions, etc. – Mushrooms – Water Chestnuts – Cucumber Fruits – Avocado – Olives – Berries: Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Cherries – Stone Fruits: plums, peaches, apricots – Citrus: oranges, grapefruit, lemon, limes, clementine, tangerines, blood oranges – Apples – Pears – Melon: Cantaloupe, Honeydew Foods to Enjoy in Moderation Vegetables – Sweet Potatoes / Yams – Winter Squashes – White Potatoes – Snap Peas – Green Beans – Bean Sprouts Fruits – Bananas – Mangos – Watermelon – Pineapple – Grapes – Unsweetened Dried fruits: dates, cranberries, cherries, apricots, raisins, prunes, apples, pineapple, mango, all dried fruits

Foods to Enjoy Always Meats / Poultry – Beef (all cuts) – Pork (loin, shoulder, butt, ham) – Lamb – Chicken (breast, thighs, etc) – Turkey – Organ meats Seafood – Wild salmon – Shellfish – shrimp, scallops, mussels, clams, oysters, crab, lobster – Halibut – Tilapia – Mahi Mahi – Sardines, Anchovies “Dairy” – Eggs – Coconut Milk, full fat – Fermented Coconut Milk Foods to Enjoy in Moderation Meats / Poultry – Bacon – Deli Meats – Canned Meats – Pre-made Sausages – chicken, pork, turkey Seafood – Farmed Salmon – Large Fish because of mercury content: Swordfish, Shark, Tuna, etc – Canned Fish (tuna & salmon) Dairy – Grass-fed Butter / Ghee – Unsweetened Coconut Milk (So Delicious) – Unsweetened Almond Milk

Foods to Enjoy Always Nuts / Seeds – Macadamia – Walnuts – Almonds – Pecans – Hazelnuts – Nut butters made from above nuts Grains – None Condiments / Oils – Mustard – Home-made mayonnaise – Coconut aminos (similar to soy sauce but no soy or gluten) – Vinegars (all but malt) – Olive Oil – Coconut Oil – Palm Oil – Animal Fats / Drippings – All spices & herbs – Sea Salt – All Pepper – black, white, red Sweets / Treats* – Fruits – Dark Chocolate (85% or higher) Foods to Enjoy in Moderation Nuts / Seeds – Cashews – Sunflower seeds – Pumpkin seeds (pepitas) – Pine Nuts Grains – None Condiments / Oils – Tamari (gluten free soy sauce) – Sesame Oil – Teriyaki – Hummus – Flaxseed Oil Sweets / Treats – All unsweetened Dried Fruits – Paleo Treats – cookies, breads, muffins, etc – Honey – Alcohol – wine, hard liquors (non-gluten containing)

Meats – Nitrate filled sausages or bacon, Turkey Bacon – Highly processed lunchmeats – Hot Dogs Seafood – None Dairy – Low Fat or Fat Free Dairy – All Cheese – All Animal Milk (cow, goat, sheep) – All Yogurt and Kefir – All Cream – Ice Cream, Frozen Yogurt, etc Legumes – All Canned Beans: Black, Kidney, Navy, Chickpeas – Peanuts – Dried beans and lentils – Hummus Sweets / Treats – Gluten containing baked goods: cookies, cakes, muffins, pancakes, etc. – White or Milk Chocolate – Puddings, Whipped Cream, etc Vegetables – All White Potatoes – russet, baking, red skinned, etc Grains – All wheat, rye, barley, rice, couscous, quinoa – Oats and Oatmeal – Corn – All breads, wraps, croutons, crackers, rice cakes, etc Condiments / Oils – Margarine – Corn Oil – Soybean Oil – Peanut Oil – Vegetable Oil – Canola Oil – Iodized Salt (regular table salt) – Salt containing spice mixes – Sugar containing marinades – Bottled Salad Dressings – Ketchup – BBQ Sauce – Traditional Mayo Foods to Avoid