Developing constructive alignment of assessment: the contested place of assessed reflective writing in ITE Julia Croft


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Presentation transcript:

Developing constructive alignment of assessment: the contested place of assessed reflective writing in ITE Julia Croft

Aim To establish a dialogue about constructive alignment with a particular focus on the use of reflective writing as an assessed task in courses of ITE and the impact it has, or does not have, on teacher reflection and/or in improving practice.

Relevance to any provider of ITE who aims to develop reflective practice and/or is concerned about the challenges to reflective practice which arise due to evidence collection for professional standards criteria

Outcomes To share with each other the ways in which we, as contributors to ITE, support student teachers to develop reflective practice To compare ways in which reflective writing is assessed To establish an interest group and embark on further research into implementation of strategies emerging from the discussion

Key questions Is it possible to design assessment which truly integrates professional and academic requirements and influences the learning activity of student teachers in ways which are meaningful for their development as teachers? If not through constructive alignment of assessment, how can we build time for reflection and opportunities for socially mediated reflective discussion into programmes of ITE?

Organisation of the workshop Summary of the research so far – 10min Discussion in small groups of ways in which reflection is developed in your ITE context Group discussion of the first key question – 10 min Individual response to the second key question – 10 min

Starting point Practitioner action research (McAteer, 2013; Norton, 2009; Wells, 2001) “Practitioner becomes researcher primarily to effect change within the individual’s educational context, but also to achieve professional development objectives within the institution.” (Croft, 2015)

Original research questions What are the factors which influence student teacher engagement with the reflective writing tasks which are compulsory elements of their teacher education programme? To what extent does a student teacher’s reflective writing portray her/his reflective practice? Is there a connection between a student teacher’s reflective writing and her/his professional achievement?

Theoretical framework A model of knowledge construction Intended learning outcomes for ITE Reflective dialogue Constructive alignment Reflective writing

A model of knowledge construction RDP – Realm of Developmental Possibilities, Cobb (1995) ZAD – Zone of Actual Development, Vygotsky (1978)

Intended learning outcomes for ITE

Reflective dialogue

Constructive alignment in ITE Constructive alignment – Biggs (1996)

Reflective writing

Emerging research questions What are the characteristics of an HE assessment strategy which equips student teachers for lifelong reflective practice? How can we develop learning outcomes for a course of ITE which encapsulate the academic and professional intentions? How do the learning outcomes contribute to the attitudes and expectations of students and tutors in promoting reflective practice (in both)?

Discussion - flipcharts Ways in which reflection is developed ◦ taught sessions? ◦ tutorials? ◦ placement activity? ◦ peer support? ◦ Etc. Ways in which reflective writing is assessed

Key question 1 - together Is it possible to design assessment which truly integrates professional and academic requirements and influences the learning activity of student teachers in ways which are meaningful for their development as teachers?

Key question 2 – post-its If not through constructive alignment of assessment, how can we build time for reflection and opportunities for socially mediated reflective discussion into programmes of ITE?

Reflection and next steps Please leave me a postcard if you would be interested in following up through ◦ Interest group ◦ Research ◦ Other

References Biggs, J. (1996) Enhancing Teaching Through Constructive Alignment. Higher Education. 32, pp.1-18 Cobb, P. (1995) Learning and Small Group Interaction. In Cobb, P. and Bauersfeld, H. (Eds.) The Emergence of Mathematical Meaning: Interaction in Classroom Cultures. Mahwah, USA: Erlbaum. Croft, J. C. (2015) Seeking constructive alignment of assessment in ITE: locating the reflection in reflective writing. Unpublished EdD thesis. University of Bedfordshire Dewey, J. (1933) How we think : A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process. Boston: D C Heath and Company. McAteer, M. (2013) Action Research in Education. GB: Sage Publications Ltd. Norton, L. S. (2009) Action Research in Teaching and Learning. A practical guide to conducting pedagogical research in universities. Cornwall GB: Routledge. Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Cambridge, MS: Harvard University Press. Wells, G. (Ed.) (2001) Action, Talk and Text. Learning and Teaching Through Inquiry. USA: Teachers College Press