Change Your Health Change Your Life Adding Health to Your Body, Business, and Life With Arbonne International.


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Presentation transcript:

Change Your Health Change Your Life Adding Health to Your Body, Business, and Life With Arbonne International

Overview Today’s Talk: Why Arbonne? Why now? What is Health? Adding Health with Arbonne

Dr. Sarah Marshall, ND Naturopathic Doctor Life Coach Co-Author of Food That Grows - Healthy Living Cookbook Independent Consultant for Arbonne International

Why Arbonne? Why Now? The Products The Trillion Dollar Industry The People

What you have said: You feel like you just can't to find the time to eat better, exercise, and take care of your health You are overwhelmed by work demands, your business, your families schedules You feel like you even know what you should do, but there is never any time left over to do it You conclude it’s you to blame and that you just need to try harder, be more focused, and have more discipline and willpower

Reality Check What is “normal”? 70% of Americans are over-weight or obese 1:2 men and 1:3 women will get cancer On average 4 meal a week are eaten at home We eat 125lb of sugar per person per year 80% of money spent on health care is in the last year of life Medical bills #1 reason for bankruptcy in the US

What’s Your Health Grade? 1. How is your sleep? (Scale of 1-10) 2. Do you take time to RELAX everyday? (yes = 5 pts) 3. Do you drink a minimum of 2 qts (64oz) water a day? (yes = 5 pt) 4. Do you eat 5+ cups of vegetables a day? (1-5 pts) 5. Do you eat protein at every meal? (1-3 pts) 6. How is your digestion? (Scale of 1-10) 7. Do you take a multivitamin, multimineral, omegas, antioxidants and probiotics? (1-5 pts) 8. Do you LOVE what you do for work? (scale of = time, money, flexibility) 9. Have you gained more than 10 lbs since you were 21? ( SUBTRACT 1pt per additional pound after 10) 1. Rate your stress level on a scale of 1-10 and SUBTRACT it from the total

Your Health Grade: Your score: (Highest score 53) 40+ = A Keep up the good work = B Not too bad, but there is work to do = C Headed to the danger zone under 20 = Lets talk

Myth #1: I’ll lose weight if I eat less WHAT you eat matters more then how many calories Skipping meals  blood sugar balance Balanced meals = lots of veggies, some protein, some healthy fats Breakfast Happens! Signature Health Solutions with Dr. Sarah Marshall

Myth #2 We are eating more Added Sugar 17% Added Fat 24% Grains 23% Meat, Eggs, & Nuts 18% Dairy 10% Vegetables 5% Fruit 3% Standard American Diet (SAD) Signature Health Solutions with Dr. Sarah Marshall

Myth #3: Eating fat makes us fat Truth: Sugar makes us fat “Sugar the bitter truth” YouTube Sugar = sucrose = HFCS A coke a day = 15 lbs a year How much is ok? High Fructose Corn Syrup Signature Health Solutions with Dr. Sarah Marshall

Myth #4: Stress is not important Increases blood sugar Increases holding on to toxins Increases inflammation Decreases immune function Decreases digestion and absorption of nutrients Inhibits weight loss because body is in CRISIS Signature Health Solutions with Dr. Sarah Marshall

Myth #5: It’s Only about Diet and Exercise Inflammation ToxicityHormones TRUTH

Signs of Toxicity Anxiety Depression Headache Seasonal Allergies Food Allergies Insomnia Fatigue Muscle stiffness Sinusitis Migraine Arthritis Easy Bruising Poor Memory Difficult concentrating Brain Fog Chemical/ Drug Sensitivity Skin issues : acne, psoriasis, eczema Hot flashes PMS Chronic Pain Hair loss/ thinning Weak nails Osteopenia

Your body as a Bathtub Balance Symptoms Disease KD SKIN LU GI Warning *

How do you light a dark room?

How do YOU add Health? Your Life… EAT: The foods you choose MOVE: The way you move HYDRATE: What you choose to drink RELAX: How you breathe REST: How you sleep LET GO: How you detox PLAY: How you enjoy life

Learning to Listen: Your body isn’t broken The Natural State is Health The body does not make mistakes Your symptoms are your body’s way of speaking to you Learn to Listen! What is your body trying to tell you? Signature Health Solutions with Dr. Sarah Marshall

It’s About your LIFE What IS health? Where does it come from? Why do you do what you do?

Putting it all together: Get Fit! Five Key Areas of Fitness 1. Eat Clean 2. Increase nutrient absorption 3. Eliminate allergenic and addictive foods 4. Balance blood sugar 5. Support organs of elimination and natural detoxification

What to eat to ADD Health X-Factor 10% Drs Recommendation 30-Days To Fit

EAT Whole Foods Anything a cave man would recognize as food. REAL food (vs. food like substances) Food that Grows! Tanda’s definition

The ‘Avoid’ List Avoid processed food No “diet” food, low fat, low sugar Avoid fake sugars: aspartame, NutraSweet, phenylalanine (stevia, cane sugar, maple syrup, honey) Avoid food sensitivities: listen to your body Avoid inflammatory foods: gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, alcohol Avoid Added Sugar: especially soft drinks, sports drinks, fruit juice, dried fruit

The Plan: 30 Days To Fit Whole food overview, 4-week meal plan, daily guideline, shopping list Protein powder replaces gluten and dairy Fizz tabs replaces caffeine Fit chews replace snacking and decrease sugar cravings Detox Tea supports natural detoxification Fiber booster supports health digestion What’s Included

Highly Recommended We highly recommend adding these Arbonne Essential Nutrients to your fit kit and your LIFE! 7-day Herbal Cleans Digest Plus Omega-3 Plus Power Packs Immune Booster

Live Your Health, Live Your Life “Getting health back makes your life work and… Getting your life back makes your health work” -Dr. Marshall The question is not if, it’s how long! 30, 60, or 90+ days What are your health goals? What are your weight goals? What are your LIFE goals?