Unit 13 Treatment of Psychological Disorders. Unit Overview The Psychological Therapies Humanistic Therapies Behavioral Therapies Cognitive Therapies.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 13 Treatment of Psychological Disorders

Unit Overview The Psychological Therapies Humanistic Therapies Behavioral Therapies Cognitive Therapies Group/Family Therapies Biomedical Therapies Preventing Psychological DisordersPreventing Psychological Disorders Click on the any of the above hyperlinks to go to that section in the presentation.

Introduction History of treatment Cutting Holes in the skull Beating the devil out Electric shock Lobotomy Heavy Sedation

The Psychological Therapies

Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud’s Technique Aim Bring repressed feelings into the conscious mind. Experience catharsis Release energy devoted to unresolved stages of development Method Historical reconstruction of the patient. Free Assosiation Dream interpretation Psychoanalyst looks for resistance to sensitive material and pushes you past it. Therapist interprets the meaning of that resistance and provides insight

Humanistic Therapies Insight therapies focus more on:Insight therapies the present rather than the past conscious rather than the unconscious taking immediate responsibility promoting growth instead of curing

Client Centered Therapy - Roger’s Focus on Self Perception Aim Focus on the person’s conscious self-perception. Therapist listens, without judging or interpreting or directing the client to certain insights. Therapists should exhibit genuineness, acceptance and empathy Method Active listening Paraphrase Invite clarification Reflect feelings Unconditional positive regardUnconditional positive regard Therapist is a mirror to help the client see themselves more clearly.

Behavior Therapies Behavior Therapy Doubt the healing power of self awareness. You may be aware of why you are anxious but still feel anxious View maladaptive symptoms as learned behaviors that can be replaced by constructive behavior

Behavior Therapies – Classical Conditioning (Phobias) Aim Learn new behavior or unlearn old ones. Method Pair a Conditioned Stimulus with an Unconditioned Stimulus to elicit a Conditioned Response. Counter Conditioning – evoke a NEW response (waking up) to a stimulus and replace an Unwanted response (bed wetting) Exposure Therapy – systematic desensitization, slowly expose the threatening stimuli and replace negative response with positive one. Aversive Conditioning – Substitute a negative response (addiction) for a positive one (Quiting) - Terries AdTerries Ad

Behavior Therapies – Operant Conditioning (Autism) Aim Modify Behavior so that it leads to positive consequences Method Use Positive Reinforcement to shape behavior in a step by step manner, rewarding close approximations to the desired behavior. Token Economy – tokens given as rewards can be used to purchase desired items. Token Economy example

Cognitive Therapies Cognitive therapy - Our thinking affects our feelings. We engage in Self Blaming and overgeneralized explanations of bad events which leads to depression and anxiety.

Cognitive Therapies – Beck’s Therapy for Depression, Anxiety, OCD Aim Teach new and constructive ways of Thinking Get people to change what they “say” to themselves. Method Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Make people aware of irrational negative thinking and replace it with new way of thinking AND PRACTICE positive habits. Re-label and Refocus thoughts and actions. 3 good things technique

Group and Family Therapies Group therapy Family therapy Aims to Heal Relationships. Tries to discover shared problems and allow for feedback. Peer Support

Comparison of Psychotherapies

Types of Therapists

Biomedical Therapies – treat severe disorders with medicine or surgery Biomedical therapy Drugs Electroconvulsive therapy Magnetic impulses Psychosurgery Psychiatrist

Drug Therapies Antipsychotic Drugs Antipsychotic drugs Psychoses Chlorpromazine (Thorazine) Dopamine Tardive dyskinesia Atypical antipsychotics(Clozaril) Positive and negative symptoms xxx

Drug Therapies Antianxiety Drugs Antianxiety drugs Xanax, Ativan, D-cycloserine Physiological dependence

Drug Therapies Antidepressant Drugs Antidepressant drugs Use with mood and anxiety disorders Fluoxetine (Prozac), Paxil Selective-serotonin-reuptake inhibitors Neurogenesis Side effects of antidepressants

Drug Therapies Antidepressant Drugs

Drug Therapies Mood-Stabilizing Medications Mood-stabilizing medications Lithium Depakote

Therapeutic Life-Style Change Integrated biopsychosocial system Therapeutic life-style change Aerobic exercise Adequate sleep Light exposure Social connection Anti-rumination Nutritional supplements

Preventing Psychological Disorders Resilience Preventing psychological disorders