 MAP testing C22  HW:PLN 1- due 8/25- post to your own blog, scribe  Monday: MAP testing C22  Tuesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Wednesday: 9.


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Presentation transcript:

 MAP testing C22  HW:PLN 1- due 8/25- post to your own blog, scribe  Monday: MAP testing C22  Tuesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Wednesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Thursday: importance of writing lab, Review PLN requirements- look at examples, PLN 2: What Matters Hw: PLN 2, writing conference sign-up, bring pictures  Friday: What Matters? PLN 2- what matters, post by Monday on class blog, Lit terms- define by Monday, HW: PLN 2, what matters- with photo, lit terms defined

 Writing Lab Day  Help on PLN 1? Anyone want to share work in progress?  9 th grade common assessment  Hw: PLN 1- due 8/25- post to your own blog, scribe  Monday: MAP testing C22  Tuesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Wednesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Thursday: importance of writing lab, Review PLN requirements- look at examples, PLN 2: What Matters Hw: PLN 2, writing conference sign-up, bring pictures  Friday: What Matters? PLN 2- what matters, post by Monday on class blog, Lit terms- define by Monday, HW: PLN 2, what matters- with photo, lit terms defined

 A value is defined as “worth, importance or usefulness of something to somebody.”  On a note card, please answer the following question in a topic sentence  In Frank Stockton’s “The Lady or the Tiger”, what does the princess most value and why?  Make sure to write your name on your note card.

 9 th grade common assessment  Hw: PLN 1- due tomorrow- post to your own blog, No D policy reminder, scribe, writing lab tomorrow  Monday: MAP testing C22  Tuesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Wednesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Thursday: importance of writing lab, Review PLN requirements- look at examples, PLN 2: What Matters Hw: PLN 2, writing conference sign-up, bring pictures  Friday: What Matters? PLN 2- what matters, post by Monday on class blog, Lit terms- define by Monday, HW: PLN 2, what matters- with photo, lit terms defined

 Your principal has informed the student body that technology is a distraction. To improve classroom behavior and test scores, all technology (i.e. iPods, cell phones, computers, etc.) will be eliminated from the campus.  Write a multi-paragraph, thesis driven, argumentative essay to persuade the school administration to reconsider this decision. Make sure to give reasons supporting the benefits of technology in education.  Make sure to write your name on your paper.

 Writing Lab Day  Check PLN 1  Review PLN requirements- look at examples,  PLN 2: What Matters  Post to class blog  Look at my example  Hw: PLN 2, individual conference sign-up, bring pictures  Monday: MAP testing C22  Tuesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Wednesday: 9 th grade common assessment  Thursday: importance of writing lab, Review PLN requirements- look at examples, PLN 2: What Matters Hw: PLN 2, writing conference sign-up, bring pictures  Friday: What Matters? PLN 2- what matters, post by Monday on class blog, Lit terms- define by Monday, HW: PLN 2, what matters- with photo, lit terms defined

 What Matters?  PLN 2- what matters, post by Monday on class blog,  Lit terms- define by Monday, printed out or on jump driveLit terms-  HW: PLN 2, what matters- with photo, lit terms defined, remember No D policy, individual conferences Next Week:  Monday: scribe, individual conferences, check PLN 2, Define lit terms, Vocab word of week: misogynist, Contest: Rope, model note taking with Rope, Answer question: How do words and actions affect who others become?  Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, individual conferences, Watch Rope: take notes- detailed, quality work  Wednesday: scribe, individual conferences, Finish Rope  Thursday: Writing Lab,scribe, individual conferences, Topic sentences: Rope (blog on class blog), collect Rope notes, Annotations- how do I annotate, purpose, Begin MDG  Friday: scribe, individual conferences, Read and annotate MDG, Reality check, vocab card due- vocab quiz, PLN 3: Google is Making Us Stupid