Unit 7 Review Sesh Early Renaissance High Renaissance Mannerism.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 Review Sesh Early Renaissance High Renaissance Mannerism













Slide 13













26 Title: Birth of Venus Artist: Boticelli Period: Early Ren


Slide 28

Slide 29



1 Title: David Artist: Donatello Period: Early Ren

2 Title: Pieta Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Ren

3 Title: School of Athens Artist: Raphael Period: High Ren

4 Title: Primavera Artist: Boticelli Period: Early Ren

5 Title: The Allegory of Venus and Cupid Artist: Bronzino Period: Mannerism

6 Title: Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter Artist: Perugino Period: Early Ren

7 Title: Assumption of the Virgin Artist: Correggio Period: High Ren

8 Title: The Last Supper Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Period: Early Ren

9 Title: David Artist: Michelangelo Period: High Ren

10 Title: Venus or Urbino Artist: Titian Period: High Ren

11 Title: Madonna with the Long Neck Artist: Parmagianino Period: Mannerism

12 Title: Tempietto Artist: Bramante Period: High Ren

Slide 13 Title: Sistine Chapel Ceiling Artist: Michelangelo Period: High ren

14 Title: Holy Trinity Artist: Massacio Period: Early Ren

15 Title: Saint Peter’s Basilica Artist: Michelangelo,Bramante, Maderno Period: High Ren

16 Title: The Tempest Artist: Giorgione Period: High Ren

17 Title: The Last Supper Artist: Tintoretto Period: Mannerism

18 Title: 4 Crowned Martyrs Artist: Nanni di Banco Period: Early Ren

19 Title: Gates of Paradise Artist: Ghiberti Period: Early Ren

20 Title: The Annunciation Artist: Fra Angelico Period: Early Ren

21 Title: Il Duomo or Florence Cathedral Artist: Brunelleschi (Brick Dome) Period: Early Ren

22 Title: Saint George Artist: Donatello Period: Early Ren

23 Title: Pesaro Madonna Artist: Pontormo Period: High Ren

24 Title: Tribute Money Artist: Masaccio Period: Earle Ren

25 Title: Camera Picta Artist: Andrea Mantegna Period: Early Ren

26 Title: Birth of Venus Artist: Boticelli Period: Early Ren


Slide 28 Title: Villa Rotunda Artist: Palladio Period: Mannerism

Slide 29 Title: Battle of the Naked Men Artist: Antonio del Pollaiuolo Period: Early Ren

30 Title: Sacrifice of Isaac Artist: Ghiberti Period: Early Ren