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 – Room #38178  QUESTIONS: (multiple choice on devices)  1. In the center of the Sistine Chapel there are _____ (#) scenes from Genesis.

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Presentation on theme: " – Room #38178  QUESTIONS: (multiple choice on devices)  1. In the center of the Sistine Chapel there are _____ (#) scenes from Genesis."— Presentation transcript:

1  – Room #38178  QUESTIONS: (multiple choice on devices)  1. In the center of the Sistine Chapel there are _____ (#) scenes from Genesis  2. Michelangelo’s David was originally going to be placed on top of the ____________________.

2 Quiz on THURSDAY – I moved everything back a day since 1 st and 2 nd periods lost class yesterday KNOW THESE 14 ARTWORKS FOR YOUR QUIZ!!! I will give you a couple other things to study for it tomorrow – there will be 6 multiple choice questions.

3  We’ll run through these artworks today and tomorrow so you know which ones you know and which you don’t  You’ll have to put some time in on your own.  The picture will appear, think about which one you think it is. We will then reveal the answer.  Do NOT use your study sheets!

4 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

5 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

6 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

7 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

8 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

9 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

10 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

11 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

12 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

13 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

14 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

15 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

16 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna

17 -Massacio’s The Holy Trinity -Fra Angelico’s Annunication -Donatello’s David -Botticelli’s La Primavera -Botticelli’s Birth of Venus -Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise -Brunelleschi’s Dome of the Cathedral of Florence -Leonardo’s Last Supper -Leonardo’s Mona Lisa -Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam -Michelangelo’s Last Judgment -Michelangelo’s David -Michelangelo’s Pieta -Raphael’s Alba Madonna


19  As a class, we’re going to create a Sistine Chapel ceiling  It isn’t going to tell Bible stories – instead it’s going to represent our school and what happens here.

20  First, we have to decide what will go in each part...  What do we want our 9 centered scenes to be?  What about the 4 corners? (biblical stories)  What about the 8 triangles? (ancestors of Christ)  What about the 10 spaces between the triangles? (sages of antiquity)

21  Who will create each part?  You will have today and tomorrow to create your part  Draw and color!

22  Graded on…  Correct Direction – 10 points  Includes a Title – 10 points  Fill the page – 20 points  Colorful/Filled In – 20 points  Represent the Topic – 20 points  Done Neatly – 20 points

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