Idaho Institute for Court Management October 25, 2011 Presented By: Julie Cottrell, ISTARS Coordinator, Administrative Office of the Courts Dan Kessler, Trial Court Administrator, Third Judicial District Helping Judges with Caseflow Management
Monthly Judge Reports _________________________________ Detail Caseload by Judge Active Pending Cases by Judge/Type Active Pending Cases by Judge
Detail Caseload by Judge _________________________________ Statistical report Provides a snapshot of caseload for a defined period of time Lists case types, number of new filings, reopened cases, and cases coming into the judge on appeal Lists closed cases and the net change in the number of pending cases
Active Pending Cases by Judge/Type _________________________________ Statistical report Snapshot report of cases by type Identifies the adopted time standards Provides the total active cases Includes the number of cases and the percentage of cases that have exceeded time standards
Active Pending Cases by Judge _________________________________ Case management report Helps identify the exceptions Arranged in two parts: Part 1: Cases Exceeding “Time Standards” Part 2: All Other Pending Cases
Active Pending Cases by Judge (Cont.) ________________________________ Includes 8 columns of information: 1. Case number and name 2. Case type 3. The “age” (days) 4. The last ROA 5. The next hearing 6. Flag (over time standards or approaching time standards) 7. Pending, appealed, reopened 8. Status date (when filed or when appealed)
Active Pending Cases by Judge (Cont.) _________________________________ Report may be used to instruct the clerk to set a case for a hearing to set a status conference