Goal Setting "The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this… Decide what you want.” Retirement – when…how much… Home.


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Presentation transcript:

Goal Setting "The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this… Decide what you want.” Retirement – when…how much… Home Purchase Match Asset and Liabilities Fairport Asset Management, LLC

10 Questions to ask advisor, broker etc. 1.What services will we receive? 2.What will be the fees for these services? Any extra or hidden charges? How are you compensated? 3.Who will be our personal account person? For how long? 4.How will we determine the asset allocation of our portfolio? 5.What is your typical client engagement, what is average account size? 6.What detailed information will we receive on the portfolio holdings? 7.What are the terms of any termination of your services? 8.Please review the performance of your investment services compared to national indices and competitors. 9.What are the mechanics of receiving access to our money in case of emergency? 10.I assume that you provide the necessary reports for income tax preparation. Fairport Asset Management, LLC

Four-Asset-Class Diversification

The Five Worst Years

$61.19 Growth of $1: Portfolio ABCD vs. Portfolio A (Equal Allocation vs. U.S. Stocks) $35.51

Investment Options Stocks – Large, Mid, Small, Growth Value, International Bonds – Gov’t, Municipal, Corporate, High Yield, Short, Intermediate, Long Reits – real estate investment trusts ETFs – exchange traded funds Mutual Funds Commodities Fairport Asset Management, LLC

Favorite Websites “Life after school explained” book. Fairport Asset Management, LLC

Rebalancing The process of realigning the weightings of one's portfolio of assets. Important way to reduce risk. Allows for more consistent returns. Consistent Returns= increased compounding= increased wealth

Retirement Options 401k – 2006 max contribution limit of $15, k Roth 403b – 2006 max contribution limit of $15,000 Traditional IRA - $4000 max contribution Traditional Roth Annuities – no limit Fairport Asset Management, LLC