How to Make an Outline APA Style Lynn W Zimmerman, PhD
What is APA Style? American Psychological Association Procedures/style rules to standardize scientific writing Commonly used in psychology, education, and the social sciences Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6 th ed.
APA Rules and Guidelines Selection of headings, tone, and length Punctuation and abbreviations Presentation of numbers and statistics Construction of tables and figures Citation of references Other elements
Title Page and Abstract in APA Format Title page running head (flush left at top of page) page numbers (flush right at top of page) Title (no more than 12 words) author name school affiliation Abstract A brief summary ( words) Follows title page
Outline of APA Format Cover page Acknowledgement Table of Contents List of abbreviations Abstract (2 pages) Body of paper Appendices Selected Bibliography
Body of Paper Chapter 1: Introduction (3-5 pages) Chapter 2: Literature Review (6-10 pages) Chapter 3: Methodology and Hypothesis (4-5 pages) Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis ((10-15 pages) Chapter 5:Conclusion (3-5 pages)
Appendices Appendix A Tables of data, interviews, questionnaires, etc. Appendix B Tables of statistics, diagrams, etc. Appendix C Examples of lesosn plans, activities, etc.
In-Text Citations – APA Format Author’s name and date of publication Example: Sigmund Freud’s The Interpretation of Dreams published in As Freud (1900) explained…. Dreams are our unconscious mind’s way of working out problems (Freud, 1900). Dreams are our “unconscious mind’s way of working out problems” (Freud, 1900, p.26).
Reference Page in APA Format Begin references on a new page References (center-justified) Alphabetical order by author’s last name All sources cited should be both in-text and on the reference page
Items on the Reference Page First line of a reference item – flush with left margin. Each additional line should be indented (hanging) Each reference should be single-spaced, but double space between each item Titles of books, journals, magazines, and newspapers should be italicized
Sample Reference Page Choudaha, R. (2007). Partnering for global success: Case of Asian business schools. IIE Network. Retrieved from / / Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple intelligences: New horizons in theory and practice. New York: Basic Books. Navarrete, E. J. (2002). Mexican government programs for migrant health: Collaboration across borders. The Journal of Multicultural Nursing and Health 8,