How to become a digital citizen By: Ariella Soulliere.


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Presentation transcript:

How to become a digital citizen By: Ariella Soulliere

To become a digital citizen, you have to….. Know where you are in cyber space. This means that you have to know what kinds of websites you are going on, or have been on.

 Use common sense!! That means that if someone you are chatting with online asks you where you live or what your phone number is, do NOT give it to them!!! Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and many more of these kinds of websites are all sites where you can talk and interact with real people. Don’t post your personal information all over these sites because people could use it against you.

 Another thing you have to do to be a digital citizen is to make yourself look nice. This means that you should always use proper grammar and spell things correctly. People will judge you on how you present yourself.

 Most importantly, I think, would be to do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. That means that if you don’t like being called names or being insulted, don’t do it to other people! That’s cyber bullying and the number of suicides from cyber bullying is going up every day, every year because of rude and insulting people.

 Don’t say anything online to someone, if you wouldn’t say it to their face. This means that if you told someone online that you thought they were stupid, or something like that, make sure you would say it to their face. If you told someone something online, and it was a lie, and you wouldn’t say it to their face, then don’t bother telling them online.

 These are just a few things you can do to become a digital citizen…