The University of Minnesota Duluth iPAQ Initiative Jim Allert, Instructor Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota Duluth


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Presentation transcript:

The University of Minnesota Duluth iPAQ Initiative Jim Allert, Instructor Department of Computer Science University of Minnesota Duluth Linda Deneen, Director Information Technology Systems and Services University of Minnesota Duluth James P. Riehl, Dean College of Science and Engineering University of Minnesota Duluth Copyright James Allert, Linda L. Deneen and James P. Riehl, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

CSE Technology Commitment The faculty in the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota Duluth is committed… To providing a learning environment in which undergraduate students can develop the advanced computer skills necessary to be successful scientists or engineers in the beginning of this new century, To developing and integrating state-of-the-art educational technology throughout the curriculum as a means of providing our students with a world class education.

Meetings with Technology Stakeholders and Advisory Groups All 9 departments in CSE 6 science departments 3 engineering departments Vendors Student Financial Aid CSE Student Technology Committee ITSS Staff External Advisory Board UMD Administration University of Minnesota Board of Regents

Key Issues Cost Capabilities Faculty Training Support

The UMD iPAQ Initiative College of Science and Engineering Majors involved Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engineering Industrial Engineering Chemical Engineering Vendor partner Compaq Computer Corporation Campus partners: Information Technology Systems and Services (ITSS) UMD Stores

Support by ITSS Wireless network iPAQ configuration campus-specific settings and applications Distribution and training in-class, first week Web and hardcopy documentation Repair and maintenance Contract management

UMD Wireless Network

Distribution SemesterStudentsFaculty Fall iPAQs 60 Spring iPAQs 0 Fall iPAQs 66 Fall laptops Returns 60 changed majors 23 left UMD Current student totals: 403 iPAQs, 52 laptops

Contract Students Pay $200/semester for 4 semesters Can return iPAQ for partial refund if they change majors The iPAQ belongs to the student The student is responsible for loss or damage.

Cost (October 2001) iPAQ H3650 $477 Wireless network card & sleeve$251 Carry case$ 16 Tax$ 56 Total$800

Cost (October 2002) iPAQ H3950 $534 Wireless network card & sleeve$175 Carry case$ 25 Software$ 5 Installation$ 10 IT Support$ 51 Total$800

Hardware specifications Fall 2001 (H3650) 206 MHz Intel StrongARM processor 32M RAM, 32M ROM Pocket PC OS 4,096 color display Fall 2002 (H3950) 400 MHz Intel XScale processor 64M RAM, 32M ROM Pocket PC 2002 OS 65,536 color display

The Pedagogical Issues How can handhelds contribute toward achieving course objectives? Example: Computer Science I Required of virtually all engineering majors

CS-1511, Computer Science I Fresh 73% Juniors 7% Seniors 2% Fall Semester 2001 Soph 17% Grad/other 1% Course structure iPAQ 7 sections, 200 students non-iPAQ 6 sections, 100 students

Targeted usage Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Large lecture DiscussionLab Notetaking Powerpoint slides Notetaking Powerpoint slides Notetaking Powerpoint slides Exercises Online polling Reference In class Outside of class Course syllabus Course calendar Powerpoint notes Lecture notes Sample programs Total points Study guides Browsing related sites Web browsing Software Programming Other Study aid Reference Experimentation Class Reference Problem-solving Online polls

Preparation Prior to Fall Semester Basic familiarity Course application research Internet issues CS Dept. web pages (autodetect) CS-1511 web pages reformatted Custom-designed software and exercises

CS-1511 software Algorithms Ctools Operators Logical Expressions Selection Structures Loops Functions Searches Selection sort Binary sort Insertion sort Analysis Pointers Pointer arrays Strings Derived types Recursion Interactive ref. document (14) Interactive exercises (36) Reference documents (16) Explanatory documents (8) Animated exercises (4) Interactive quiz (1)

CS-1511 iPAQ software

Training Before the first week TAs received iPAQs 1 st week iPAQs distributed in class Training sessions on wireless and internet 2 nd week Students were taught how to use IR file transfer No other special training required Students caught on very quickly

Assessment Online polls 4 th and 14 th week surveys Exams Comparison of iPAQ vs. non-iPAQ performance Course evaluations

Online polls

Survey results Results of Weeks 4 and 14 surveys The most commonly used applications CS-1511 software, Internet Explorer, Solitaire, Calendar, Infra-red file transfer The least commonly used applications MS Excel, MS Word, MS Reader, MS Transcriber, Windows Media Player 68% of iPAQ use was course-related

Observations Advance time needed to investigate... What is available? What can I do with it? What can I make available? Custom applications needed Student programmer Time consuming to produce Beta versions – under constant revision Access issues Visually impaired students Physical coordination impaired students

Observations Student reaction No direct complaints Survey comments Justify cost vs. functionality Non-iPAQ students Some changed majors to get them Some bought their own Assumption that iPAQ students had an advantage. iPAQs were an asset As discussion assistants In conjunction with exercises or lecture As reference tools For programs and general study As study aids Interactive exercises and quizzes

Week 14 Survey How helpful have the following resources been for you in this class? No helpSomeHelpfulVery helpful 1234 n = 141

What next? For Computer Science More use of wireless network Migration of iPAQs to large lecture More dynamic than PowerPoint More convenient than heavy textbooks or laptops Migration of iPAQ software to PCs For laptop users and others More software Experimentation Collaborative exercises Integration of handheld-gathered data with PC programs More creative online polling ?

Year 1 in Review Review settings Student government forum CSE Assembly topic Response Add more wireless access Allow for wireless laptop option Invest more dollars in faculty training Maintain requirement to existing majors Implement pilot programs in Math, Geology, Biology, others? Form faculty/student review committee

Current and Future Issues Technology costs added to tuition increases! More faculty development! Wireless plan? Laptop Tablet PC’s Pocket PC’s
