Solar Energy Eco Friendly Construction Energy conservation is now a way of life for many in this region. At Eco Friendly Construction, we have embraced.


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Presentation transcript:

Solar Energy Eco Friendly Construction Energy conservation is now a way of life for many in this region. At Eco Friendly Construction, we have embraced the green movement not only because it is essential to our planet, but also because the energy efficient products we offer and the techniques we employ at our organization have helped to save our customers tens of thousands of dollars annually.

 Total dollars homeowners saved in 2010: $14,100,000  Average savings per home: $1,500  Average KwH used by a home in the Northeast US: 10,000 Did you know? More than 1/3 of all energy is used by people at home Most families throw away about 88 pounds of plastic every year We each use about 12,000 gallons of water every year 1/3 of all water is used to flush the toilet. The 500 million automobiles on earth burn an average of 2 gallons of fuel a day. Each gallon of fuel releases 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air. Approximately 5 million tons of oil produced in the world each year ends up in the ocean. The energy we save when we recycle one glass bottle is enough to light a traditional light bulb for four hours

The typical U.S. family spends about $1,900 a year on home utility bills? Unfortunately, a large portion of that energy is wasted. Each year, electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars. As for the road, transportation accounts for 67% of all U.S. oil consumption. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to save energy and money at home and in your car. Start making small changes today

More and more people are wondering how does solar energy work? They realize that they can save a lot of money by using photovoltaic based solar energy produces like panels. The panels produce an immense amount of energy and they are usually connected to a storage system so that home owners have access to the electricity on a “on tap” basis! Now in days, the Government is pushing the use of solar energy products like solar panels. They realize that the earths resources are going to run out at some point and the best thing to do is start using these products sooner rather than later!