Getting Started with EU Funding Edward Heelas University of East London 8 th May 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Getting Started with EU Funding Edward Heelas University of East London 8 th May 2013

Outline of this Session UKRO Support and Services What do we do? UKRO Portal Partner Searching – joining a Consortium Funding not requiring partners Registering as an Evaluator H2020 Expert Advisory Groups

UKRO Support and Services

UK Research Office Mission to facilitate effective UK participation in EU research, innovation and HE programmes Sponsored by the seven UK Research Councils Receives subscriptions from over 140 research organisations Range of services for sponsors and subscribers Research Council policy work Brussels liaison For more information see UK Research Office

UKRO’s Services UK Research Office ‘Core’ subscriber* servicesOpen to non-subscribers Query service(Majority of) training courses and information events Annual briefing visits (for UK subscribers) Annual Conference New UKRO Portal: Subscriber webpages + Latest news articles ( alerts) Marie Curie Actions UK National Contact Point European Research Council UK National Contact Point Meeting room in BrusselsBritish Council European RTD Insight publication * Subscribing institutions:

UKRO Portal

Integrated Information Services - tailored articles and website information resources Improved functionality, navigation and content Single sign on – address and password Quick registration for new users, prior to tailoring profile New UKRO Portal

Personal News Page New UKRO Portal

Personal news page complemented by articles linked from relevant web pages alert options Improved search engine for both articles and web pages Contact information, at institution and UKRO – plus details of researchers for ELOs UKRO Portal

Web Pages with Latest News New UKRO Portal

Partner Search - Joining a Consortium

Who do I need in my consortium? Building your consortium Depends on topic… Partners must match activities in proposal Appropriate balance of sectors – industry, academia, civil society, user groups, etc Consideration of expected impact of project Commission may stipulate or offer advice on types of partner or country involvement EU dimension/ added-value!

Who do I need in my consortium? Building your consortium Have you worked with the partner institutions before? Can you trust them? Make clear from the beginning what will be expected from them Talk about the budget early on

Building your consortium.. How do I find partners? Existing contacts FP6/FP7 Projects EU conferences (including events on the calls) and project evaluation Networks of Excellence European Technology Platforms platforms platforms Evaluating? Partner searches: UKRO can distribute partner profiles NCPs CORDIS IDEAL-IST (ICT research) and SINAPSE (SSH platform) Enterprise Europe Network Social Media? (Linked-in etc) Note! Use partner searches with caution; Check out track record; Understand motives for getting involved Preparing for Horizon 2020

What is expected of a co-ordinator? Administers EU financing, makes payments to partners Needs to keep record of how the financing is distributed Reviews reports to the Commission Monitors compliance of partners with grant agreement Is the only point of contact for the Commission None of these tasks can be subcontracted! Co-ordination of FP projects

EU Conferences & Information Days Announced under ‘Events’ on UKRO information services Usually held in Brussels, but also in UK locations Information days normally free; conferences generally have a registration fee attached Always include networking and brokerage opportunities; presentation of projects, proposal ideas, etc. Choosing Partners

UKRO News on Partners

Recent Partner Search

European Technology Platforms Industry-led stakeholder forums on Europe’s key research challenges Industrial Safety (IndustrialSafety) Integral Satcom Initiative (ISI) Mobile and Wireless Communications (eMobility) Nanotechnologies for Medical Applications (NanoMedicine) Networked and Electronic Media (NEM) Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI) Photonics21 (Photonics) Photovoltaics (Photovoltaics) Plants for the Future (Plants) Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC) Robotics (EUROP) Sustainable Nuclear Energy (SNETP) Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP) Waterborne (Waterborne) Zero Emission Fossil Fuel Power Plants (ZEP) Finished ETPs Innovative Medicines for Europe (IME) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (HFP) ETPs Under Development: Geological Disposal (In Nuclear Energy) European Technology Platforms cover research on: (as at Oct 2008) Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies (EuMaT) Aeronautics (ACARE) Embedded Computing Systems (ARTEMIS) Biofuels (Biofuels) Construction (ECTP) Nanoelectronics (ENIAC) Rail Transport (ERRAC) Road Transport (ERTRAC) Space Technology (ESTP) Steel (ESTEP) Electricity Networks of the Future (SmartGrids) Wind Energy (TPWind) Smart Systems Integration (EPoSS) Sustainable Mineral Resources (ETP SMR) Farm Animal Breeding and Reproduction Technology (FABRE TP) Food for Life (Food) Forestry based sector (Forestry) Future Manufacturing Technologies (MANUFUTURE) Future Textiles and Clothing (FTC) Global Animal Health (GAH) Agree Common Vision Define Strategic Agenda Implement Strategic Agenda

Funding not requiring partners Few sources of funding do not require partners… Marie Curie Individual Fellowships (“Experienced Researchers” only) ERC Starter Grants (very much less likely with consolidator/advanced grants) Capacities grants may be a single report/setting up a conference etc. (not Cooperation Grants) DG’s issue calls for tender for reports (Non-FP)

Registering as an Evaluator

What do Expert Evaluators Do? Peer reviewers: Evaluate research and innovation proposals Review research and innovation projects Monitor progress, outcome and impact of programmes Advise on the shape of future research and innovation activities.

Who can be an Expert Evaluator? High level expertise in research or innovation In any scientific and technological field, including managerial aspects Must have at least a university degree Available for occasional, short-term assignments Sign-up through Participant Portal…

H2020 Expert Advisory Groups (EAG)

What is an Expert Advisory Group? “A body set up by the Commission or its departments to provide it with advice and expertise, comprising at least 6 public and/or private-sector members and meeting more than once.” There are 2 types: Formal expert group set up by a Commission decision Informal expert group set up by an individual Commission department

What do EAGs do? Prepare legislative proposals and policy initiatives (Commission's right of initiative) Prepare delegated acts Implement existing EU legislation, programmes and policies… including coordination and cooperation with member countries and stakeholders in that regard. ….Forum for discussions, providing high-level input from a wide range of sources and stakeholders

Who can join EAGs? 1.Individuals appointed in a personal capacity, acting independently and expressing their own personal views 2.Individuals appointed to represent a common interest shared by stakeholders in a particular policy area; they do not represent an individual stakeholder. 3.Organisations in the broad sense of the word including companies, associations, NGOs, trade unions, universities, research institutes, EU bodies and international organisations 4.National authorities of the Member States (at regional and local levels).

Who can join EAGs? ….Senior researchers/Professors would ordinarily apply as individuals …Heads of department/ Vice-Chancellors apply to represent a University “They are chosen according to a selection process that guarantees a high level of expertise and, as far as possible, a geographical and gender balance, while taking into account the specific tasks of the expert group and the type of expertise required”

Experts can register at any time… However, only those having expressed their interest no later than 6 March 2013 at 17.00, Brussels local time will be taken into account for the setting up of the first H2020 Advisory Groups EAGs – When and How?

European Commission FP7 EAG web page Expression of interest form – (Link found on UKRO Portal!) pg=h2020-experts EAGs – When and How?