Name: David Aultman Class: English 4 Teacher: Mrs. Saunders
Chose topic due to love of animals Wanted to learn about the role of a veterinarian
Requires seven-to-eight years of education past high school Work with a variety of animals to prepare for daily operations and the rigor of the job License required with state
Big Animals ◦ Examples: Horses and cows Small Animals ◦ Examples: Cats and dogs
Some veterinarians specialize in a particular form of medicine, such as dermatology or endocrinology Others focus upon a particular patient group, such as large farm, wild or zoo animals
Neutering ◦ Helps reduce population and stray animals ◦ Prevents animal starvation and health problems Fixing Broken Bones Repairing Wounds
There is no cure for parvo The shot given for parvo just helps the body fight it Parvo attacks the hearts of dogs usually in puppy rather than in older dogs
The scrapbook will explain what a veterinarian does the education requirements it will be the daily life of a veterinarian in a scrapbook The scrapbook ties to my research by explaining what it is veterinarians do on a daily bases
Dr. Mark L. Ayer Dr. Ayer is a certified veterinarian
Performed heart worm test Examined ear mites through a microscope Drawn out medicine for various vaccines Accomplishing the tasks was easy by finding out the patients needs and performing the task needed for that patient
36 hours spent with my mentor I felt connected to my research from having a lot of animals at my house and it helped me to learn hands on because I know what to do now when working with animals and before I worked with my mentor I didn’t know exactly what to do to help my animals
Different shots last different amounts of time in different states In May 2008, the average annual salary for veterinarians was $89,450, according to the BLS
Getting sick and not being able to work on my product got over it then went right back to work on the product My mom having surgery and not knowing if I would make it to my mentors but surgery was too serious so I have a ride
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