Solution to malnutrition Swathi, Hiranya, Ananya, Meghana, Soujanya.


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Presentation transcript:

Solution to malnutrition Swathi, Hiranya, Ananya, Meghana, Soujanya

Introduction Welcome, Reader! In this presentation, you’ll be reading about our Think Quest Project: ‘Solution to Malnutrition’. We believe that malnutrition is a curable ‘disease’ that can be solved by giving the right foods to the needy people. But because of poverty and environmental disasters/changes, some people are not able to get the right nutrients for their body to become strong and healthy and will sadly die a death that could be prevented. So, in order to find a simple yet cheap and effective solution, our group will be making a meal that can save many lives in Africa.

Subjects that are included English Economics Biology Chemistry Mathematic

Malnutrition at an early age leads to reduced physical and mental development during childhood. Stunting, for example, affects more than 147 million pre-schoolers in developing countries, according to SCN's World Nutrition Situation 5th report. Iodine deficiency, the same report shows, is the world's greatest single cause of mental retardation and brain damage.

Poverty Poverty alone does not lead to malnutrition, but it seriously affects the availability of adequate amounts of nutritious food for the most vulnerable populations. Over 90 percent of malnourished people live in developing countries. Lack of access to food Non-availability of food on markets, difficult access to markets due to lack of means of transportation and insufficient financial resources are all factors contributing to the food insecurity of the most vulnerable populations. People are increasingly dependent on international markets for all or part of their food supplies, particularly between harvest periods Climate change The effects of climate change are often dramatic, devastating areas which are already vulnerable. Infrastructure is damaged or destroyed; diseases spread quickly; people can no longer grow crops or raise livestock. Lack of safe drinking water Water is synonymous with life. Lack of portable water, poor sanitation and dangerous hygiene practices increase vulnerability to infectious and water-borne diseases, which are direct causes of acute

Malnutrition Countries Eritrea Angola Madagascar click

The rate of malnutrition in Eritrea, now in the fourth year of the worst drought in a decade, is rising to alarming levels, with more than 1 in 5 children not getting enough to eat per cent of children are suffering from malnutrition; normally, a hunger rate of just 13 to 14 per cent is considered alarming. Death rates are rising among more than 400,000 children with 425,000 children under the age of 14 affected, child mortality rates have risen to 15 per 100,000 per day in some areas due to the extreme water shortages click

In Angola, the food situation of a large number of displaced people gives serious cause for concern. The number of people in need of emergency food aid has been increased to 1.9 million from 1.42 million. Some 4.35 million people are estimated to be at risk next year, including more than 2 million who will be highly vulnerable. click

About half a million children are affected by acute malnutrition. There is a shortage of nutritional rehabilitation services – only 36 are available in hospitals throughout Madagascar – and access to basic health services and utilization rates are low. In 2005 and 2006, the country experienced a nutrition emergency in two regions, affecting about 150,000 people, including 24,000 children and 4,500 pregnant and lactating women. In the affected regions, characterized by remoteness and scattered populations, acute malnutrition rates rose above 20 per cent. click

1 in 10 infants die within the first 12 months of life 1 in 5 suffer from chronic malnutrition More than 12 cases a month of Marasmus or Kwashiorkor are seen in one clinic. 1 in 10 children suffers from severe malnutrition 50% of children have a calcium, iron and zinc deficiency 75% of south Africans, have inadequate access to food More than 1 in 5 children are physically stunted due to malnutrition

People who suffer with malnutrition

Our Mission To create a meal that gives the essential nutrients that a human being needs in order to live. To make an awareness to the world that malnutrition is a major problem faced by innocent people.