Studying Geography
WHAT IS GEOGRAPHY? Geography is the study of the World, it’s people and the landscapes they create July 22, 2012Footer text here2
Geography is both a science & a social science Geography as a SCIENCE Involves gathering data and & information Geography as a SOCIAL SCIENCE Involves studying people, how the live and other things that cannot be measured July 22, 2012Footer text here3
LOOKING AT THE WORLD To better understand how the world works, geographers often look at places at three different levels July 22, 2012Footer text here4 Global Regional Local
Local Level Towns, communities, local governments July 22, 2012Footer text here5 Global Regional Local Example: what is life is like there.
Regional Level A bigger chunk of the world that can be defined by physical or human characteristics Examples: July 22, 2012Footer text here6 Physical: Rocky Mountain Region Human: Latin America Global Regional Local
Global Level The Whole World July 22, 2012Footer text here7 Global Regional Local Example: How one country’s economy affects the world
GEOGRAPHER’S TOOLS Geographers need many tools to study the World July 22, 2012Footer text here8
Maps & Globes show what the world looks like MAPS a flat drawing that shows all or part of the earth’s surface Reason’s maps are Good Easy to use Show LOTS of information Reasons maps are Bad Distorts the earth July 22, 2012Footer text here9
GLOBES A spherical (ball shaped) model of the entire planet Reasons Globes are GOOD Shows the world as it really is Reasons Globes are BAD Expensive Limited info Not easy to transport July 22, 2012Footer text here10
Satellite Images Can show what an area looks like from above Earth July 22, 2012Footer text here11 feature=share&list=PL7355D E1B1 Collect information that we can’t see from the ground
July 22, 2012Footer text here12