Citizen Corps Uniting communities. Preparing the Nation. 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Citizen Corps Uniting communities. Preparing the Nation. 1

Mission Harness the power of every individual through education + training + volunteer service. 2

National strategy Comprehensive effort to connect local + State + Federal governments with non- governmental groups and the private sector. Supports all aspects of citizen + community preparedness. 3

National strategy (Continued...) Focuses on cultural change: – People need to take more responsibility for individual + community preparedness. – Emergency responders need to include citizens in emergency planning + education + training + exercises. 4

National policy + guidance Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) – 8. Integration in State strategies. Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). National Response Plan (NRP) and Planning Guidance. Nationwide plan review/Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). 5

LEGEND Status Feedback Request for Support State Citizen Corps Council State Citizen Corps Council Federal Assistance Federal Assistance Citizen Corps funding support Fire Corps Fire Corps Medical Readiness Corps (MRC) Medical Readiness Corps (MRC) Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) National Neighborhood Watch (NNW) National Neighborhood Watch (NNW) Parish Citizen Corps Councils Parish Citizen Corps Councils Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Citizen Corps Council members First responders/emergency management. Volunteer community. Elected officials. Business leaders. School systems representatives. Transportation sector. Media executives. Faith based groups. Minority and special needs representation. Leadership from community sub-structure. 7

Citizen Corps Council duties Promote and strengthen the Citizen Corps programs + partners + affiliates at the community level. Provide opportunities for special skills + interests. Develop targeted outreach for the community, including special needs groups. 8

Citizen Corps Council duties (Continued... ) Provide training in first aid + emergency preparedness. Organize special projects + community events. 9

Citizen Corps Council duties (Continued... ) Encourage cooperation + collaboration among community leaders. Create opportunities for all residents to participate. 10

Community benefits Greater sense of security + responsibility + personal control. Builds community pride + unity + patriotism. Promotes risk reduction + mitigation + preparedness practices. Prepares us all for helping others in a crisis. 11

State advocates Assists communities who are interested in starting a Citizen Corps program in their community. Provides knowledge + support where necessary. 12

State Citizen Corps board Coordinates funding with the Governors Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) for special training + events. 13

First responders per capita 1 firefighter for every 280 people – 1 million firefighters / 750,000 volunteers 1 sworn officer for every 385 people – 436,000 sworn law enforcement personnel / 291,000 sworn sheriff’s office personnel 1 EMT/paramedic for every 325 people – 860,000 at all levels of pre-hospital services 14 White House Homeland Security website and EMS Magazine, July 2002

Need to be ready In 95% of all emergencies, – Bystanders or victims themselves are the first to provide emergency assistance or to perform a rescue. 15

Citizen Corps programs 16


Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) Teams of local volunteer medical + public health professionals contribute – Skills – Expertise 18

MRC benefits to your community 19 Reduces reliance on State + national resources. Bolsters public health + emergency response infrastructures. Facilitates information sharing between partner organizations.

Medical support provided Crisis counseling Assist in shelters Triage First aid Patient tracking Evacuation triage Mass immunizations Vaccinations Medical hotlines Emergency medical services (EMS) Mental health 20

Non-medical support provided Forms/information distribution Orientation Education Registration Data collection Administrative Clerical Translators Security Transportation 21


Assists law enforcement agencies Police Reserves (various levels of training + assistance). Can be set-up by individual agencies to meet their needs + expectations. Police Explorers (career oriented training + hands-on assistance). Pools resources + assists with manpower needs. Connects the public + the law enforcement agency. 23


National volunteer fire council Represents every major fire service organization in the nation. Creates valuable resources + fosters programs. – Brings community into local fire and emergency service departments to assist with non-emergency tasks. 25


National Neighborhood Watch (NNW) Proactive, community-oriented endeavor for citizens to protect their community. Watch Group programs incorporate activities that not only address crime prevention issues, but also restore pride and unity to a neighborhood. 27


What is CERT? Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) programs: educate people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area. train basic disaster response skills such as – fire safety – light search + rescue – team organization – disaster medical operations 29

What do we do? Assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help. 30

Non-emergency roles Support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. 31

It starts with YOU! Citizen Corps was created to help everyone in America answer the questions, “What can I do?” and “How can I help?” No matter where you live or who you are - we all have a role in hometown security. To find the Council nearest you, go to 32