Spina Bifida Three types Spina Bifida Oculta Spina bifida meningocele Spina bifida myelomeningocele Ettymology Spina = spine Bifida= split into two myelos + menix=membrane Kele=hernia
Spina bifida myelomeningocele Background information Professor Nicholas tulp Who it affects? 1/700 births to Caucasians 1/3000 to African Americans But most common in Hispanics and whites.
Diagnosis Pre-natal check up High resolution Sonogram Blood test from mom AFP Amniosentisis- Fluid from amniotic sac to check for high levels of AFP. Also to check for high levels of acetylcholine
SIGN & SYMPTOMS Allergy to latex Loss of bladder or bowel control Partial or complete lack of sensation Partial or complete paralysis of the legs Weakness of the hips, legs, or feet of a newborn Fluctuating weight talipes Hydrocephalus Characteristics
Physiology Happens during first trimester Most common birth defects ( neural tube defect) Spinal cord does not completely close Exposure to amniotic fluid
Treatment In-utero surgery to protect the spinal cord Safefest way to protect the spinal cord baby continues normal growth inside the amniotic sac. Recommend between weeks of pregnancy Post birth surgery to close the opening and protect spinal cord. disabilities with this procedure
In-utero surgery
Outcomes 10% of babies die during in-utero procedures No Confidence or independence Learning disabilities Life expectancy is not affected
CURRENT RESEARCH The Genetics of Neural Tube Defects - University of Miami Hussman Institute for Human Genomics (HIHG) Hereditary Basis of Neural Tube Defects- Duke center for human genetics All still clinical trials
CASE STUDY Violet Ojeda Spina Bifida myelomeningocele surgery right after birth Doesn't have bowl and bladder control She walks with a limp Catheter She got pregnant but was considered a high risk pregnancy