GEL101: Information & Library Goal: :Learn to conduct college level research.


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Presentation transcript:

GEL101: Information & Library Goal: :Learn to conduct college level research

Review Session 3: Articles Scholarly Journals vs. Popular magazines Scholarly article structure Journal indexes Steps to locate journal articles Search tips

Session 4: Style and Annotation Research Process Choose a topic Formulate a thesis statement Find materials (books, references, articles) Write you paper Cite sources

What is citation When you incorporate somebody else's materials or ideas in your own research, you need acknowledge the original author or creator by giving in-text citation and/or create a reference list at the end of your paper.

Citation for a Reference Book Bergmann, G. (1993). Relativity. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp ). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Citation Styles-- APA, MLA, Turabian, Chemistry

Why cite avoid plagiarism give credit to the author allow readers to find and verify sources reflect that your paper is well researched

What to cite (elements included) BookArticle Author/editorAuthor TitleArticle Title PublisherJournal Title Where publishedJournal volume YearJournal Issue Journal pages Year

Citation Style (APA) Reference Bergmann, G. (1993). Relativity. The New Encyclopedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp ). Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica. Book Bllom, A. (1987). The closing of the American mind. New York: Simon And Schuster. Article Henry, A. (1990). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, Pipho, C. (1998). Voter apathy or voter overload? Phi Delta Kappan 6 (2), Retrieved March 14, 2002 from Academic Search Elite database.

Get Sample Citation Style Guides Style guide samples MLA APA Chicago ACS

Annotation Special type of summary include (sample)sample Author’s qualification Purpose of the text Academic standing Author’s standpoint Who the author address to Your opinion

Let’s Work Class activity Citation exercise Homework Work on annotated bibliography, journal and plagiarism tutorial

Review Session 4: Style and Annotation Research Process Choose a topic Formulate a thesis statement Find materials (books, references, articles) Write you paper Cite sources