Mark Frydenberg Computer Information Systems Department
Concepts XML Mark Up Language HTML RSS Feeds RSS Feed Aggregator “Publish/Subscribe” Podcasting Episode vs. Series Enclosure What icon to use?
More Than You Need to Know About XML eXtensible Markup LanguageMarkup Language XML is designed to describe data Unlike HTML, XML tags are not predefined XML is structured text that represents information You might display XML data using HTML How is XML different from HTML ?
What’s the difference? HTML is about displaying information XML is about describing information
XML Format for syndicating content (not presentation) Subscribers sign up to receive the feed Aggregators check RSS feeds and display new items from them so you don’t have to indicates an RSS Feed Integrated in Firefox, IE 7 SharpReader for PC Rich Site Summary/ Really Simple Syndication
RSS Aggregators/Readers Present news content from other sources in web sites or with RSS Readers Windows XP SharpReader MyYahoo Firefox Live Bookmarks
RSS and Internet Explorer 7
Podcasting 2001 – Dave Winer syndicates a Greatful Dead song on his web log Podcasting emerges as a mainstream RSS application Podcasting is Word of the Year (Oxford) Everybody’s doing itEverybody’s doing it
Podcasts are RSS feeds with enclosures. You don’t need an iPod to subscribe to podcasts You can subscribe or create podcasts with a PC or Pocket PC or SmartPhone Find an aggregator and Media Player Podcasting
Podcasting Behind the Scenes
Automating the Process of Posting Podcasts Set up Blogger to display links to multimedia files Set up Blogger Publish Multimedia files to a web server with FTP Add links to multimedia files in Blogger so subscribers can comment on individual episodes Let FeedBurner generate the XML for the podcast feedFeedBurner Subscribe to the RSS feed from FeedBurner View the Source – it’s XML!
What’s Happening: Posting Multimedia Server ( FTP Multimedia Looks for Changes feed.xml Post Link Looks for Changes Generates XML Generates Speech To Text Index Accesses File On Multimedia Server Accesses File On Multimedia Server
What’s Happening: Subscribing Multimedia Server ( feed.xml Comment Sync DownloadSubscribe References Download
Subscribe in iTunes Advanced Subscribe to Podcast Right Click and select Update Podcast to update
Play in iTunes
On Your iPod Subscribe Once Update, Listen and Watch Aggregators ITunes Juice Media Players: Windows Media Player Real Player iTunes Player
Subscribe to Video Podcasts RSS Feed:
Mr. Excel’s Podcast MrexcelPodcast MrexcelPodcast 2-minute daily Excel lesson Instructions
Other Podcast Sources Yahoo! Podcasts iTunes
Podcasting Glossary RSS Feed A single RSS Feed contains messages or news items that are published. These are variously called “Feeds”, “RSS Feeds”, “XML Feeds”, Message One of several items in an RSS Feed usually with a Title, Link, and Text. Messages can in fact be news items, blog entries, or other items published collectively in an RSS Feed. Enclosure A Message can contain a reference to one or more files that are available on the internet. The enclosure is not included in the file, but a Url “link” that points to the file is included in the message. Expire A Message Flag indicating the Message will be deleted. Settings are available to Expire a message after a certain period of time after download and to automatically delete Expired Messages. Update To download RSS Feed through a connection to the internet. Delete To remove all traces of an RSS Feed, or Message News Aggregator A general term for a program that collects the messages from multiple RSS Feeds and presents them to a reader. There are news aggregators that collect Feeds for display through a browser, through an client, or through the aggregator’s own interface. FeederReader is a news aggregator with a built-in interface. XML Stands for “eXtensible Markup Language”. It is the file format in which RSS Feeds are published. Adapted From