Working with frameworks Sue Rippon Head of Curriculum Development November 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Working with frameworks Sue Rippon Head of Curriculum Development November 2009

QAA’s Academic Infrastructure UK higher education institutions are each independent and self-governing. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) provides guidance and checks how well they meet their responsibilities, identifying good practice and making recommendations for improvement.

Academic Infrastructure Code of Practice Section 7: Programme design, approval, monitoring and review (2006) Programme specification '…the definitive publicly available information on the aims, intended learning outcomes and expected learner achievements of programmes of study …' (Handbook for institutional audit: England and Northern Ireland, 2006).

Benchmarks Subject benchmarks set out the academic characteristics and standards for 55 subjects at honours level 9 subjects at master’s level Foundation Degree qualification benchmark (October 2004) Master's degree characteristics reference point (currently available for consultation)

Frameworks for higher education qualifications First published in 2001 One framework for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and one for Scotland Each defining levels of qualifications EWNI framework revised in 2008

Credit ScotlandScottish Credit and Qualification Framework (2001) WalesCredit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (2004) England and Northern Ireland Higher education credit framework for England (2008) EuropeBologna Process - alignment across 46 countries in Europe - European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) Diploma Supplement

“Higher education credit framework for England” (August 2008): Table 1: Credit values typically associated with the design of programmes leading to main HE qualifications in England HE qualifications as set out inthe FHEQ FHEQ level Minimum credits* Minimum credits at the level of the qualification FQ-EHEA cycles ECTS credit ranges from FQ-EHEA PhD/DPhil 8 Not typically credit-rated Third cycle (end of cycle) qualifications Not typically credit- rated Professional doctorates (only if credit based) (eg EdD, DBA, DClinPsy)** Research master's degrees (eg MPhil, MLitt) 7 Not typically credit-rated Second cycle (end of cycle) qualifications Taught MPhil Taught master's degrees (eg MA, MSc, MRes) Integrated master's degrees (eg MEng, MChem, MPhys, MPharm)*** Postgraduate diplomas12090 Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)6040 Postgraduate certificates6040 Bachelor's degrees with honours (eg BA/BSc Hons) First cycle (end of cycle) qualifications ECTS credits Bachelor's degrees30060 Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)**** 60*****40 Graduate diplomas80 Graduate certificates40 Foundation Degrees (eg FdA, FdSc) Short cycle (within or linked to the first cycle) qualifications approximately 120 ECTS credits Diplomas of Higher Education (DipHE)24090 Higher National Diplomas (HND)24090 Higher National Certificates (HNC)****** Certificates of Higher Education (Cert HE)12090

OU Major Awards

Issues 1.QAA not actively promoting the use of credit 1.Aligning OU qualifications with the English, Welsh and Scottish frameworks 2.Positioning our minor awards which don’t fit with the HE frameworks 3.How much of this to explain to students

Qualifications and Credit Framework Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency at