Joomla & Wordpress By: Carly Vee Lewis
Joomla! Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.
Wordpress! WordPress is a free, Web-based software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog. WordPress is a free, Web-based software program that anyone can use to build and maintain a website or blog. It was originally intended as an easy way to set up a blog. But, thanks to the efforts of a large “open source” community of WordPress programmers working to extend and improve its capabilities, WordPress has become much more than just a tool for bloggers. It was originally intended as an easy way to set up a blog. But, thanks to the efforts of a large “open source” community of WordPress programmers working to extend and improve its capabilities, WordPress has become much more than just a tool for bloggers. Today’s WordPress is really a CMS, which means that it can be used to run full-sized, social media- rich business websites. Today’s WordPress is really a CMS, which means that it can be used to run full-sized, social media- rich business websites.
Example Sites Made With Joomla and Helpful Sites Joomla+Example+Sites.html?groupid=567 Joomla+Example+Sites.html?groupid=567 Joomla+Example+Sites.html?groupid=567 Joomla+Example+Sites.html?groupid=567 nal-joomla-templates?gclid=CNDO1J- 2uKgCFZQbKgodwjY_Bw nal-joomla-templates?gclid=CNDO1J- 2uKgCFZQbKgodwjY_Bw nal-joomla-templates?gclid=CNDO1J- 2uKgCFZQbKgodwjY_Bw nal-joomla-templates?gclid=CNDO1J- 2uKgCFZQbKgodwjY_Bw helpful-websites-for-joomla-admins helpful-websites-for-joomla-admins helpful-websites-for-joomla-admins helpful-websites-for-joomla-admins
Example Sites Made With Wordpress and Helpful Sites awesome-wordpress-powered-sites awesome-wordpress-powered-sites awesome-wordpress-powered-sites awesome-wordpress-powered-sites wordpress-sites wordpress-sites wordpress-sites wordpress-sites wordpress-look-like-a-website/ wordpress-look-like-a-website/ wordpress-look-like-a-website/ wordpress-look-like-a-website/ makes-sense-for-many-non-blog-websites/ makes-sense-for-many-non-blog-websites/ makes-sense-for-many-non-blog-websites/ makes-sense-for-many-non-blog-websites/
Which would I choose? I would choose to make a Joomla because there are many sites that are there to help you make it. I would choose to make a Joomla because there are many sites that are there to help you make it. Also, I would choose that because there are many more templates that I found than wordpress Also, I would choose that because there are many more templates that I found than wordpress And that’s my opinion! And that’s my opinion!