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Start A Blog By Piti Golf Online Learning Lab. Blog Web log > Weblog > We Blog A type of website or part of a website A hierarchy of text, images, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Start A Blog By Piti Golf Online Learning Lab. Blog Web log > Weblog > We Blog A type of website or part of a website A hierarchy of text, images, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Start A Blog By Piti Golf Online Learning Lab

2 Blog Web log > Weblog > We Blog A type of website or part of a website A hierarchy of text, images, and other media arranged chronologically A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts An online journal/diary focusing on a particular area of interest.

3 Blogging Tools /

4 WordPress A free and open source blog publishing application A Content Management System (CMS)

5 Features Free and customizable themes and layouts Stats system Great tool for writing Blogging community Privacy options Multiple blogs and authors Not just a blog Media library management

6 Get Started Sign up Get your own account and blog address

7 Get Started (Cont.) Activate your account

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