Health and Wellbeing in Derby Derek Ward Joint Director of Public Health
Current SystemNew System
Context Government PH white paper November 2010 Consultation period The ‘pause’ – NHS Futures Forum Publication of ‘Healthy Lives, Healthy People: Update and way forward’ – policy statement regarding PH system reform, July 14 th 2011
Key points Tier 1 local authorities will have a role across all three domains of public health: –health improvement; –health protection; –health service public health Local authorities will have a mandated responsibility to provide public health expertise, advice and analysis to NHS commissioning bodies.
Key points Director of Public Health expected to be of Chief Officer status and be directly accountable to the Chief Executive The Health and Wellbeing Board to bring the whole system together at the local level and set the local framework for commissioning of health care, social care and public health.
New LA commissioning responsibilities appropriate access to sexual health services plans to protect the health of the population ensure NHS commissioners receive the public health advice they need the National Child Health Measurement Programme NHS Health Check Assessment elements of the Healthy Child Programme.
Funding The public health budget will: Be distributed to local authorities Used by the NHS Commissioning Board to commission PH programmes nationally form the budget of Public Health England.
What next? Public Health Outcomes Framework Public Health England Operating Model Public health funding Public Health in local government and the Director of Public Health Workforce. Public Health System Updates including:
Timescales for change
In Derby Health and Wellbeing Board in shadow form Work commissioned re Citizen voice and 3 rd sector role in HWB Reporting back in November Commissioning brings lots of opportunity
Challenges and Opportunities Completely new system – including for the 3 rd Sector No roadmap! Majority of NHS money (circa £80bn) held by CCGs and NHSCB – Compact compliant? Loss of relationships and people But real opportunities strategically through HWB and operationally through delivery