The Humanistic Tradition


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Presentation transcript:

The Humanistic Tradition Introduction

Paleolithic Culture (ca. 6 million--10,000 B.C.E.)

A key issue: Creation or evolution?

Hominids: near human or proto-human Homo habilis: tool-making human Homo erectus: upright human Homo sapiens: symbol-making (e.g. burial rites)


http://www. wsu. edu/gened/learn-modules/top_longfor/timeline/timeline

Evolution? ecard/show.asp?catid=8

Just kidding!!

The Ice Age: (ca. 3 million--10,000 B.C.E.)

Food for Thought What constitute art in antiquity? What were the functions of art in the ancient world?

Lascaux caves, Dordogne, France

Lascaux caves, Dordogne, France

Pech-Merle caves, Lot, France

Venus of Willendorf, Austria

The Venus of Laussel, Laussel, France

Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England

Stonehenge, Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, England

Neolithic Culture (ca. 8000-4000 B.C.E.)

Major factor: the rise of agriculture

What changes allowed the transition from nomadic to sedentary societies?

Birth of Civilization (1) --Birth of City: rural → urban/commercial irrigation system --Example: Sumer in Mesopotamia

Ancient Mesopotamia

Birth of Civilization (2) --Birth of writing: pictograph --Example: Cuneiform: Sumer Hieroglyph: Egypt

Cuneiform → “wedge” form

http://www. bible-history

hieros = holy, glyphs = carving

The Rosetta Stone

Discovery of the Rosetta Stone “The Rosetta Stone, which provided the key to deciphering the writings of Ancient Egypt, was discovered near the town of Rosetta (now Rashid), located in the Nile Delta about 40 miles northeast of Alexandria, by a Frenchman, Pierre Bouchard, on 15 July 1799. Captain Bouchard, an engineer officer in Napoleon's expedition to Egypt, was supervising the reconstruction of an old fort . . . .”

Greek hieroglyphs Demotic: simplified hieroglyphs

British Museum, London,%20England%20-%20Rosetta%20Stone.JPG

Birth of Civilization (3) --Advances in metallurgy: more durable tools & weapons (than stones & bones) --Example: bronze casting

Myth 1. Myths are grounded in sensual evidence, therefore rich in visual imagery. 2. Myths are closely related to morality, rituals, and religious beliefs. 3. Similarities of earlier myths: “the genesis of first life forms from water”

The Flood Myth Some resources:

The End