IFCT Plan for Next 3 Months Larry Wai June 26, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

IFCT Plan for Next 3 Months Larry Wai June 26, 2003

Building 33 Acceptance Plan  Setup pager and alarm conditions for building 33 monitoring system  Setup procedure for maintenance of monitoring system  Setup procedure for alarms, non-conformance  Readiness review including QA, SLAC Safety

EM Hardware Acceptance Plan  Frequent communication by phone with E. Grove and L. Latronico to determine status of CAL and TKR  Pre-ship review for CAL (telecon)  Pre-ship review for TKR (telecon)  Post-ship functional test review for CAL  Post-ship functional test review for TKR

EM Assembly and Functional Test Plan  Preparation of Assembly and Inspection Data Sheets per LAT-MD-1624  Preparation of Assembly Procedure details w/ E. Gawehn; assembly drawings w/ P.Williams  CAL Functional test plan per LAT-DS-1502; CAL scripts pre-ship tests at SLAC  TKR scripts pre-ship tests at SLAC

LAT Assembly and Functional Test Plan  LAT electronics assembly procedure details w/ E. Gawehn and D. Nelson using test bed; assembly drawings w/ P.Williams and J.Noriel  CAL corner plates, cross-LAT plates details using test coupons w/ M.Molini, others  Flight Software test plan w/ J.J. Russell and test bed  ACD scripts pre-ship tests at SLAC

LAT assembly mockup plan  Full mechanical model of the grid lower surface which allows fastening of dummy electronics boxes, CAL base plates, CAL corner plates, cable trays, test instrumentation, cables, EMI skirt, and cross-LAT plates. The mechanical model will be attached to the LAT integration MGSE to facilitate full simulation of LAT integration activity.  Electrical test of 1x4 live flight and qual/spare modules, EM PDU, EM GASU, EM EPU, EM SIU, associated cables and flight software. Prototype Comprehensive Test.