CRM : Profiting from understanding customer needs 報告者:方嬿榕 2006/12/26 Anne Stringfellow, Winter Nie and David E. Bowen Business Horizons, Volume 47, Issue.


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Presentation transcript:

CRM : Profiting from understanding customer needs 報告者:方嬿榕 2006/12/26 Anne Stringfellow, Winter Nie and David E. Bowen Business Horizons, Volume 47, Issue 5, September- October 2004, Pages 45-52

2006/12/262 Outline Introduction CRM requires the alignment of three building blocks Benefits of understanding customer need Guidelines for building a full-spectrum information portfolio Using rich channels in highly equivocal situations Using the rich information already available Nordstrom Conclusion

2006/12/263 Introduction The essence of customer relationship management ( CRM ) is understand customer needs and leveraging that knowledge to improve a company’s long- term profitability. When successfully deployed CRM can have a dramatic effect on bottom-line performance.

2006/12/264 CRM requires the alignment of three building blocks Insight into customer decision-making Customer information Information-processing capability

2006/12/265 Customer decision-making 75 percent of all buying decisions have an emotional component, understanding customers ’ emotional needs is vital for predicting and influencing their purchasing behavior. There is a difference between knowing about customers and knowing customers.

2006/12/266 CRM information requirements and value added

2006/12/267 Information-processing capability CRM systems need to integrate information from multiple sources and across different functions. Data must be organized by customer so that decisions can be made at the customer or segment level. Fast processing allows the information to be used in real-time, point-of- contact decision-making. Data warehouse

2006/12/268 Benefits of understanding customer need Functional - those satisfied by product functions. Emotional - psychological aspects of product ownership. Example: polo shirt- extra for the polo logo to fulfill his need for self-esteem.

2006/12/269 Benefits of understanding customer need ( cont. ) Turn strangers into friends and friends into customers. The most basic concept underlying marketing is that of human needs. To fully comprehend customer purchase behavior requires viewing a customer as a human being first and a customer second.

2006/12/2610 Also known as benefit segmentation, entails dividing up a market on the basis of the needs satisfied by the product, then creating the appropriate value proposition for one or more market segments. Example : chewing gum Need-based segmentation

2006/12/2611 Collecting information on customer needs Reach customers and maximize response rates, firms need to match customers’ diverse preferences for communication by providing multiple communication channels. The channel must match the type of information being collected.

2006/12/2612 Understanding customer needs

2006/12/2613 Cost-benefit considerations The decision boils down to a cost-benefit trade-off, weighing the expenditure on rich channels against the potential long-term benefits of a deeper understanding of customer behavior.

2006/12/2614 Cost-benefit trade-off

2006/12/2615 Guidelines for building a full- spectrum information portfolio

2006/12/2616 Using rich channels in highly equivocal situations When a firm is entering a critical new market, it should use a rich channel to capture customer needs. The resulting information is invaluable in forming the market entry strategy. In the short run, the cost of the rich channel may outweigh the immediate financial benefits.

2006/12/2617 Allocating rich channels where they produce the best return When customers have a high lifetime value potential and the product and accompanying service have a relatively high profit margin, the use of rich channels to understand customer needs more than pays for itself. Bank - one-to-one relationships

2006/12/2618 Using the rich information already available Salespeople and front-line service employees who typically interact with customers via rich communication channels have access to a wealth of information on customer needs. Example : Call-center employees

2006/12/2619 Substituting for rich channels With the advent of sophisticated modeling techniques, some situations that normally require rich channels can now be dealt with efficiently by using lean channels in combination with analytical tools. Example : Amazon

2006/12/2620 Nordstrom They record customer purchase history in a database, then supplement this with telephone interviews and face-to-face conversations to collect information about customer likes, dislikes, lifestyles, and clothing needs.

2006/12/2621 Nordstrom ( cont. ) Nordstrom understands customer needs, translates them into different levels of information requirements, and matches the information with appropriate communication channels and data collection methods. The end result allows personalized service and builds a long-term relationship with customers.

2006/12/2622 Nordstrom ( cont. )

2006/12/2623 Nordstrom ( cont. ) 個別地為顧客的需求服務, Nordstrom 創造符合個 人生活型態的時尚百貨公司,提供多樣化樣式的服 飾和鞋子與裝飾品 。 店裡動線乾淨,貨品陳設乾淨整潔,店員親切不會 讓人有購物壓力,再加上現場的鋼琴演奏,還有飲 料,鞋區的服務,鞋子的牌子從名牌到高級的品牌 都有,廁所也很乾淨寬敞,每年 Nordstrom Anniversary Sale 可以提早看到下半年流行的商品, 還會許多秋冬裝的打折。

2006/12/2624 關於員工( cont. ) Nordstrom 授權賣場裡的售貨員,讓他們自由決定收 受顧客的退貨 ( 即使損壞是由顧客造成的 ) ,這種措施 深深打動了大眾的心,也是諾斯壯文化中最引人注目 的地方。 Nordstrom 向顧客保證,在顧客退貨時, Nordstrom 將無條件退回貨款,是為了 98% 的誠實顧客所設計的。 Nordstrom 只要顧客有需要,售貨員便可到店裡的其 他部門為顧客調度貨品,讓他們和顧客建立起持久且 長期的關係 ( 一人服務到底 ) 。

2006/12/2625 關於主管( cont. ) 部門主管都是從售貨員做起,這樣他們就可以清 楚瞭解,顧客要的是什麼。而會要求店長從賣場 售貨員做起,然後再升到部門管理,表示售貨員 的這個職務,受到高級管理階層的重視。 Nordstrom 鼓勵部門主管,要他們培養出一種歸 屬感,覺得那是他們自己的部門。主管必須負責 招募人員、排班表、訓練、指導、養成員工、鼓 舞士氣、評估員工的表現,並且必需要投注時間 到賣場裡,和售貨員以及員工進行互動,實際瞭 解他們的需求。

2006/12/2626 關於主管( cont. ) 員工特質:高度成就需求,以服務大眾為 職志,藉由服務他人得到滿足。 重視女性: 40% 高級幹部為女性,女店長 佔 66% 。

2006/12/2627 Conclusion The thoughtful integration of existing tools, based on a clear understanding of customer value, the properties of information, and the pros and cons of communication channels.

2006/12/2628 Thanks for your attention