Semester in review. The Final May 7, 6:30pm – 9:45 pm Closed book, ONE PAGE OF NOTES Cumulative Similar format to midterm (probably about 25% longer)


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Presentation transcript:

Semester in review

The Final May 7, 6:30pm – 9:45 pm Closed book, ONE PAGE OF NOTES Cumulative Similar format to midterm (probably about 25% longer) I’ll also ask you to fill out a peer rating for your project group and additional course feedback for me.

Course ReCap To make you notice interfaces, good and bad You’ll never look at doors the same way again To help you realize no one gets an interface right on the first try Yes, even the experts Design is HARD To teach you tools and techniques to help you iteratively improve your designs Because you can eventually get it right

Recall: midterm exam topics Requirements What are they? Data gathering techniques – when and why? User and stakeholder characteristics Scenarios and personas Task analysis HTA Other methods for describing tasks

Recall: Human abilities Good Infinite capacity LTM LTM duration & complexity High-learning capability Powerful attention mechanism Powerful pattern recognition Bad Limited capacity STM Limited duration STM Unreliable access to LTM Error-prone processing Slow processing Memory, cognition, learning, problem solving

Recall: design and prototyping Design General purpose and process Norman’s principles (affordance, mapping, conceptual model, etc.) Execution-evaluation cycle Errors – mistakes and slips Visual design – basic principles and lessons Prototyping Fidelity, horizontal vs. vertical Various methods

Recall: Interaction Command line WIMP Direction manipulation Pen & mobile Speech & natural language Issues, advantages, disadvantages, etc.

Since midterm topics Design continued Web design – what are general characteristics of web, and how does that affect design? General usability principles (learnability, flexibility, robustness) Know what all 15 mean, be able to remember several off the top of your head

More new topics: evaluation Evaluation Characteristics of evaluation techniques Predictive – Fitt’s, KSLM No math needed, but be able to describe what Fitt’s says, and be able to do a KSLM without putting in numbers (2K + 2B etc.) What are techniques? When to use which techniques? Advice, guidelines for using techniques

Evaluation techniques, cont. Observation Variations (think aloud, cooperative, etc.) Direct vs. indirect Experiments Dependent, independent, and controlled variables Within vs. between subjects General idea of how to do analysis Why used?

Still more evaluation Interviews & questionnaires Quantitative vs. qualitative questions Advice for good questions (avoid bias, be clear, etc.) Discount evaluation techniques Heuristic and cognitive walkthrough Similarities and differences Process for each You don’t need to know all potential heuristics, but remembering a few might be useful, do remember what the 4 questions are for cognitive walkthrough

Special topics Groupware Time/space matrix The kinds of applications Challenges in building/evaluating Ubicomp What are examples? What are HCI challenges? Special topics – high level understanding of one of them (not your own) Persuasive technologies Computer mediated communication Location-based computing Assistive technology