Topic 1: Slide 1 of 36 Higher Education Programs Preview SOUTHWEST STATE UNIVERSITY


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SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
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Presentation transcript:

Topic 1: Slide 1 of 36 Higher Education Programs Preview SOUTHWEST STATE UNIVERSITY

Topic 1: Slide 2 of 36 About Southwest State University Established in 1964 Southwest State University is public university and legally registered with the Ministry of Education,Russia For the last six years it is one of the top Universities in Russia. Now offers Bachelor’s, Masters & Doctoral online programs.

Topic 1: Slide 3 of 36 Campus Campus photos

Topic 1: Slide 4 of 36 Graduation Graduation Celebration

Topic 1: Slide 5 of 36 Testamur

Topic 1: Slide 6 of 36 Listed in the JSJ List in China 首页 首页 | 职能 介绍 职能 介绍 | 政策 法规 政策 法规 | 重要 动态 重要 动态 | 留学 预警 留学 预警 | 热点 问答 热点 问答 | 名单 公布 名单 公布 | 投诉 举报 投诉 举报 | 典型 案例 典型 案例 | 联系 我们 联系 我们 f 一、基本情况 俄罗斯的高等教育目前仍是新旧学制并存。旧学制的学习时间为 年,学生经过考试,获得《高等教育毕业证书》, 同时获得专家称号。获得此项证书后,通过考试或推荐,可以攻读副博士学位,一般 3-4 年,论文答辩通过后,获副博士学位证书,在 俄罗斯被认为相当于西方国家的哲学博士( Ph. D )学位。 新学制是将高等教育和研究生教育分为四个阶段进行。 第一阶段:不完全高等教育。这是高等教育的初级阶段,学制 2 年,毕业后,学生可获得《不完全高等教育毕业证书》。 第二阶段:基础高等教育。这是高等教育的中间阶段,学制 4 年,即在不完全高等教育的基础上加 2 年。学生毕业后可获得《高等教 育毕业证书》,同时获得学士学位。 第三阶段:完全高等教育。这是高等教育的完成阶段,学制为 6 年,即在基础高等教育的基础上再加 2 年的专业学习,学生毕业并经 过论文答辩后获《高等教育毕业证书》,同时获得硕士学位。 第四阶段:研究生教育阶段。几乎完全与老学制相同,该阶段课程面向完成完全高等教育阶段课程的学生。 俄罗斯高等教育院校主要教学语言是俄语。 Recognition

Topic 1: Slide 7 of 36 Academic Philosophy Continuous Support Updated courses Faculty support Personal Counselling Alumni Networking Professional courses upgrade Continuous Support Updated courses Faculty support Personal Counselling Alumni Networking Professional courses upgrade Pragmatic Approach Personalization High Interactivity Practice Oriented Continuous Updates Modern Tools Pragmatic Approach Personalization High Interactivity Practice Oriented Continuous Updates Modern Tools Academic Excellence International Partners Acknowledged Faculty Quality courseware Online Library Case Study approach NetAcademy online support & study materials Academic Excellence International Partners Acknowledged Faculty Quality courseware Online Library Case Study approach NetAcademy online support & study materials

Topic 1: Slide 8 of 36 MBA Program Structure No.Course CodeCourseCredits 1MBA501Marketing Management6 2MAB502Managerial Finance and Accounting6 3MBA503Business Research6 4MBA504Project Management 6 5MBA505Managerial Economics6 6MBA506Human Resource Management6 7MBA507International Business and Trade 6 8MBA508Management6 9MBA509Business Development Management 6 10MBA510Operations Management 6 11MBA511Strategic Management6 12MBA512Leadership and Organizational Behavior6 13MBA513Capstone Project48 TOTAL120

Topic 1: Slide 9 of 36 MBA Program Progression 12 courses x 6 weeks/course: 72 weeks + 6 weeks for submission of last course assignment = 78 weeks Capstone project starting concurrently with 11 th course lasting = 24 weeks (6 months ) Total recommended duration = 84 weeks

Topic 1: Slide 10 of 36 MBA Program Delivery No.Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 1Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures3618 2Video Case studies Online tutorials to discuss assignment & revision for test Participation in discussion forums (facilitated)2612 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions9654 Expected Self Study 5Independent research for assignment9654 6Self study7642 Subtotal of expected self study16696 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS256150

Topic 1: Slide 11 of 36 MBA Assessment Structure 1 Credit = 25 contact hours Each course = 6 credits (25 contact hrs / wk x 6 wks = 150 contact hrs.) 12 courses =72 credits (6 credits / course x 12 courses) Capstone Project = 48 credits Total credits =120 credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) No.Assessment ModeTypeWeightage (%) 1. Online Test (30 multiple choice questions) Summative30 2. Coursework Assignment - will be a business report of 4,000 (+/-10%) words Formative70 Total100

Topic 1: Slide 12 of 36 MBA Grading Structure GradeMarks (%)Grade PointStatusRemarks A PassingNone A PassingNone A PassingNone B PassingNone B Passing None B Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned F Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning)

Topic 1: Slide 13 of 36 MBA Admission Criteria Undergraduate degree from an internationally recognized academic institution. Minimum 3 years of work experience in middle management (or equivalent, respective to the profession) Proficiency in English

Topic 1: Slide 14 of 36 MBA Graduation Requirements obtain a passing grade in all courses, successfully complete their capstone project. achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SWSU

Topic 1: Slide 15 of 36 MBA Program Summary ItemDescription Award & ValidationSWSU,RUSSIA No. of modules12 courses + 1 Capstone Project (8K words) Duration84 weeks (1 years 8 months) Assessment70% coursework + 30% quiz Entry RequirementRecognised Bachelor’s degree or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Study guides Video links Virtual classroom Power point slides Online library Personal tutor Fees ( NOT including graduation ceremony fees) Application Fees: Program Fees: Total Fees: ======

Topic 1: Slide 16 of 36 DBA Program Structure Core Stage: two (2) courses Dissertation & Defense stage: thesis of at least 50K words No.Course CodeCourse CORE STAGE 1DBA601Research Methodology & Design I 2DBA602Research Methodology & Design II DISSERTATION STAGE 8DBA608Dissertation Thesis & Dissertation Defense

Topic 1: Slide 17 of 36 DBA CHART Gantt Chart of DBA Program Progression

Topic 1: Slide 18 of 36 DBA Program Delivery No.Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 1 Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures Video Case studies110 3Online tutorials to discuss assignment Participation in discussion forums (facilitated)110 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions61060 Expected Self Study 5Independent research for assignment Self study31030 Subtotal of expected self study71070 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS

Topic 1: Slide 19 of 36 DBA Assessment Structure Assessment for the SWSU DBA program for all courses will be 100% by coursework. All assignments will consist of a mini research on topic given by the lecturer. The assignments will be presented in the form of a business report of 7,000 ( +/- 10%) words on a real world organisation. Each assignment will be accompanied by a comprehensive assessment rubric (marking criteria) Candidates are given 10 weeks from the commencement of a particular course to complete and submit their assignments.

Topic 1: Slide 20 of 36 DBA Grading Structure GradeMarks (%)Grade PointStatusRemarks A PassingNone A PassingNone A PassingNone B PassingNone B Passing None B Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned F Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning)

Topic 1: Slide 21 of 36 DBA Admission Criteria Master degree from an internationally recognized academic institution. Min. 4 years of work experience in executive or senior management positions Proficiency in English

Topic 1: Slide 22 of 36 DBA Graduation Requirements obtain a passing grade in all courses, successfully complete their capstone project. achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SWSU

Topic 1: Slide 23 of 36 DBA Program Summary ItemDescription Award & ValidationSWSU,RUSSIA No. of modules2 courses + 1 Dissertation (50K words) Duration104 weeks (2 years) Assessment100% coursework Entry RequirementRecognised Master’s degree or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Study guides Video links Virtual classroom Power point slides Online library Personal tutor Fees ( NOT including graduation ceremony fees) Application Fees: Program Fees: Total Fees: ======

Topic 1: Slide 24 of 36 BBM Program Structure Bachelor of Business Administration No.Course CodeCourseCredits 1BBA401Financial Management6 2BBA402International Business Management6 3BBA403International Marketing Strategies6 4BBA404Management Information Systems6 5BBA405Electronic Business6 6BBA406 Managing Organizational Change & Developments 6 7BBA407Business Research6 8BBA408Human Resource Training and Development6 9BBA409Project Paper and Case Study12 TOTAL60

Topic 1: Slide 25 of 36 BAF Program Structure Bachelor of Accounting and Finance No.Course CodeCourseCredits 1BAF401Management Accounting6 2BAF402Financial Accounting6 3BAF403Corporate & Business Law6 4BAF404Taxation6 5BAF405Financial Reporting6 6BAF406Audit & Assurance6 7BAF407Financial Management6 8BAF408Business Analysis6 9BAF409Project Paper & Case Study12 TOTAL60

Topic 1: Slide 26 of 36 BHM Program Structure Bachelor of Hospitality Management No.Course CodeCourseCredits 1BHM401Front Office Operations6 2BHM402Food and Beverage Service6 3BHM403Services Marketing6 4BHM404Human Resource Management6 5BHM405Management Accounting6 6BHM406Resort Operations and Management6 7BHM407Hospitality Procurement, Purchasing and Selection6 8BHM408Introduction to Club and SPA Management6 9BHM409Project Paper and Case Study12 TOTAL60

Topic 1: Slide 27 of 36 BIT Program Structure Bachelor of Information Technology No.Course CodeCourseCredits 1BIT401Systems Analysis and Design6 2BIT402Network and Distributed Systems6 3BIT403Social and Organisational Issues in Computing6 4BIT404Management Information Systems6 5BIT405Internet Security Management6 6BIT406Java Business Programming6 7BIT407Database Design and Management6 8BIT408Web Development6 9BIT409Project Paper and Case Study12 TOTAL60

Topic 1: Slide 28 of 36 Bachelor Program Progression 8 courses x 6 weeks/course: 48 weeks + 7 weeks for submission of last course assignment= 55 weeks Project Paper & Case Study starting concurrently with 5 th course lasting = 31 weeks Total recommended duration = 55 weeks

Topic 1: Slide 29 of 36 Bachelor Program Delivery No.Delivery mode: Online Faculty Instructions Hours per wk No. of weeks Σ Contact Hrs 1Faculty instruction through pre-recorded lectures3618 2Video Case studies Online tutorials to discuss assignment & revision for test Participation in discussion forums (facilitated)2612 Subtotal of contact hours for faculty instructions9654 Expected Self Study 5Independent research for assignment9654 6Self study7642 Subtotal of expected self study16696 OVERALL CONTACT & STUDY HOURS256150

Topic 1: Slide 30 of 36 Bachelor Assessment Structure 1 Credit = 25 contact hours Each course = 6 credits (25 contact hrs / wk x 6 wks = 150 contact hrs.) 12 courses =72 credits (6 credits / course x 12 courses) Capstone Project = 48 credits Total credits =120 credits (ECTS – European Credit Transfer System) No.Assessment ModeTypeWeightage (%) 1. Online Test (30 multiple choice questions) Summative30 2. Coursework Assignment - will be a business report of 4,000 (+/-10%) words Formative70 Total100

Topic 1: Slide 31 of 36 Bachelor Grading Structure GradeMarks (%)Grade PointStatusRemarks A PassingNone A PassingNone A PassingNone B PassingNone B Passing None B Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement C Passing Under condition that overall GPA for diploma above or equal to requirement D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned D Failure Improvement assigned F Failure Retake of class. Subject to additional fees. Incomplete (I) Some work towards the final grade not completed for valid reasons. Period to be completed decided by the professor. Failure to submit results in 0% for the work missing. Grade is formed based on the handed elements Exemption (EX) Granted from a core or a profile course on the basis of extensive experience in the field or transfer of credit from a recognized institution. Grade minimum for transfer is B- 80%. A maximum of 30% of courses will be granted exemption (i.e. 4 courses of equivalent standing from a recognized institution of higher learning)

Topic 1: Slide 32 of 36 Bachelor Admission Criteria 2-year Diploma, Higher Diploma or Advanced Diploma from an internationally recognized academic institution of higher learning. Minimum 3 years of work experience in middle management (or equivalent, respective to the profession) Proficiency in English

Topic 1: Slide 33 of 36 Bachelor Graduation Requirements obtain a passing grade in all courses, successfully complete their capstone project. achieve the required overall GPA of 3.0 Fulfillment of all financial obligations to NetAcademy and SWSU.

Topic 1: Slide 34 of 36 Bachelor Program Summary ItemDescription Award & ValidationSWSU,RUSSIA No. of modules8 courses + 1 Capstone Project (8K words) Duration55 weeks (1 year 2 months) Assessment70% coursework + 30% quiz Entry RequirementRecognised 2-year Diploma or equivalent Study Materials ALL provided by NetAcademy for EVERY course Study guides Video links Virtual classroom Power point slides Online library Personal tutor Fees ( NOT including graduation ceremony fees) Application Fees: Program Fees: Total Fees: ======

Topic 1: Slide 35 of 36 End of Preview Thank you very much for your time