Kathleen Hannan Biol402
What are diarrheal diseases? Causes & transmission Worldwide impact Rotavirus Biology and how it makes you sick Solutions ORT Vaccines
What are diarrheal diseases?
Acute watery diarrhea Persistent diarrhea Bloody diarrhea
Viruses Bacteria Protozoa Helminths (intestinal parasite)
Fecal-oral transmission Among bacteria survival in stomach
Rotavirus Salmonella Shigellae Campylobacter jejuni Vibrio Cholerae Escherichia coli Giardia Entamoeba
Kills ~1.7 million children annually Malnutrition 4,500 deaths every single day
A closer look at rotavirus…
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We don’t really know, but there are some general ideas!
Enterocyte Killing Maldigestion of carbohydrates Enterotoxin NSP4
What needs to be done to address this problem?
Vaccination Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) Nutrition, sanitation, water, and hygiene Research biomarkers / host mechanisms
Diarrheal Disease is a serious problem facing the developing world! Disparities in care account for the deaths of thousands each year Something we get frequently and don’t die of is causing too many deaths
Arias, Carlos F. et al "Molecular Biology of Rotavirus Cell Entry." Archives of Medical Research 33.4 (2002): ScienceDirect. Web. 15 Mar Lorrot, Mathie, and Monique Vasseur "How Do the Rotavirus NSP4 and Bacterial Enterotoxins Lead Differently to Diarrhea?" Virology Journal 4.31 (2007): 1. Web. 15 Mar Keusch, Gerald T. et al"Diarrheal Diseases." Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. Ed. Dean T. Jamison. Washington, D.C.: IBRD/The World Bank and Oxford UP, Online:. Parashar, Umesh D. et al "Rotavirus." Emerging Infectious Diseases 4.4 (1998): Web. 15 Mar