5 A Day Weather Tracking Questions
1. Look at the highs and lows. Which days seem to have a smaller difference between the high and low temperature? 2. Look at the barometer for periods 5 and 7 on Feb. 19 th. What did the barometer read? –What is unusual about this number? –What happened that day?
3. How much did it rain over the time we were tracking the weather? 4. Look at the period 2 paper. Which days had 100% humidity? 5. What happened on most of the days with 100% humidity. 6. Look at the same dates you looked at in question #4. (100% humidity) Was happened to the humidity? Why did this happen?
7. When did there tend to be more wind; in the morning, (period 2) before lunch, (periods 3 & 4) or after lunch, (period 5 & 7?) 8. Look at the days that were windy? (we drew kites) What usually happened the next day?