Compare and Contrast format. Introduction Opening Statement: interesting fact, interesting statement about topic, an important quotation....attention.


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Presentation transcript:

Compare and Contrast format

Introduction Opening Statement: interesting fact, interesting statement about topic, an important quotation....attention getter (no questions) Background info: authors and titles + main ideas Thesis is always LAST Reword the prompt: Discuss the similarities and differences in Bradford’s Plymouth Plantation and William’s Women and Children First and how primary and secondary sources are important.

1 Compare paragraph 1 contrast paragraph You will compare one similarity Start with clear topic sentence (what exactly are you comparing) Give background information about quote (when stated, who speaking, what is the information needed) Integrate quote with page number Paraphrase quote and connect

Specific outline for body paragraphs Topic sentence (ex: Bradford and William’s both discuss the epidemic that devastated the Pilgrim population.) Info for first quote First quote with page number Paraphrase first quote Info for second quote Second quote with page number Paraphrase second quote Connect to thesis

Third Body Paragraph Topic sentence (Primary and secondary sources are equally important to understanding history). Discuss importance of primary sources and how this applies to Bradford’s writing. Discuss secondary sources and how this applies to William’s writing

Conclusion Reword thesis statement Summarize the compare and contrast End with a final concluding thought....