A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Mayor receives news that North Vernon has been selected!
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Grant awarded in March 2011.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Stellarbration!
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Stellarbration!
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Stellarbration!
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA To date, $9,427,000 dollars in grant funds have been formally awarded to North Vernon for Stellar Projects.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Stellar “After Hours” for the Façade project.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA North Vernon has awarded construction contracts to date, totaling over $288,000 dollars in work.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Over ten public meetings have already been held during the Stellar Program thus far.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Discussion at a public meeting.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Answering questions at a public hearing.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Work on the Carnegie Library will begin in days.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Irish Hill Housing Informational Meeting
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Groundbreaking for the first Stellar Project - Irish Hill Housing Project
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Groundbreaking for Irish Hill Housing Project
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Construction on the first 8 houses for Irish Hill is substantially complete.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA 624 Hoosier Street BEFORE AFTER
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA 526 Hoosier Street BEFORE AFTER
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA 614 East O&M Street BEFORE AFTER
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA 804 Hoosier Street BEFORE AFTER
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Construction on the next 4 houses in Irish Hill will begin in days.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Design of the Irish Hill Streets and Sidewalks project will begin in early February.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Stellar Committee Presentation at City Council
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Design of the Downtown Streetscape work is underway— Phase I construction should occur in 2012, and Phase II is scheduled for 2013.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Downtown Merchant Stakeholder Meetings
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Downtown Merchant Stakeholder Meetings
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Downtown Merchant Stakeholder Meetings
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Downtown Merchant Stakeholder Meetings
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Design of the Muscatatuck Trail is underway—construction should occur in 2013.
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Youth Stakeholder Meeting
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Youth Stakeholder Meeting
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Youth Stakeholder Meeting
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Residents can get more information on the Stellar Communities projects at
A Stellar Community NORTH VERNON, INDIANA Residents can provide comments via the comment cards provided, or “Contact Us” page on the website.