Pesticides a) %Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/mL) PCBs PBDEs b) Pesticides PCBs %Average percentage distribution between.


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Presentation transcript:

Pesticides a) %Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/mL) PCBs PBDEs b) Pesticides PCBs %Average percentage distribution between maternal–fetal unit (ng/lipid) PBDEs

b) %Average percentage distribution between maternal–fetal unit (ng/lipid) Pesticides %Average percentage distribution between maternal–fetal unit (ng/mL) PBDEs PCBs a)

%Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/mL) a) %Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/ g lipid) b) Pesticides PCBs PBDEs Pesticides PCBs PBDEs

%Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/mL) a) %Average percentage distribution between maternal –fetal unit (ng/ g lipid) b) Pesticides PCBs PBDEs Pesticides PCBs PBDEs