Lesson 8 Guilin. Pre-reading Questions:  1. How many times have you ever been to Guilin?  2. Why do you like Guilin?  3. If you have time, do you.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 8 Guilin

Pre-reading Questions:  1. How many times have you ever been to Guilin?  2. Why do you like Guilin?  3. If you have time, do you want to go to Guilin?


Notes  1. It has been eulogized in innumerable literary works, paintings and inscriptions since its founding during the Qin Dynasty. 桂 林始建于秦朝,自那时起,无数的文学作 品,绘画以及诗文题词都赞颂它的美景。

 2. Characteristic of Guilin scenery is its oddly-shaped solitary hills rising out of flat ground, on various shapes said to resemble buns, sawteeth, bamboo shoots, camels, etc. 桂林山水的特点是拔地而起的孤峰千姿百态, 有的像馒头,有的像锯齿,有的像竹笋, 还有的像骆驼等。

 3. Climbing the 306 stone steps to the top is rewarded by a panoramic view of the city, the Lijiang River, and surrounding hills. 爬过 306 个石阶来到山顶,就可以饱览风景 如画的桂林城,漓江和周围的山峰。  4. …would have died, had some farmers not saved him. 若不是农夫救了他,他早就死了,此句是虚 拟语气,从句使用倒装句。

 5. Stalactites in dazzling shapes and colors show the visitor why the cave is known also as a place of natural art. 水滴沿着洞顶垂悬下来的钟乳石滴落,在洞 内彩色光的照耀下光彩夺目。

 6. Finally, the trip ends in the hills around Yangshuo which have inspired the phrase: “Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in China, and Yangshuo is the most beautiful part of Guilin”. 游船最后止于阳朔的群山之中,正如诗句所 说: “ 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林 ” 。

Post-reading Answer the questions according to the passage:  1. Which province is Guilin in? Guangxi Province  2. What caves are the best known ? Can you give an example? Seven-star Cave and Reed Flute Cave

 3. What is Guilin famous for? Guilin in subtropical south China has the reputation of having the country’s most beautiful scenery. Characteristic of Guilin scenery is its oddly-shaped solitary hills rising out of flat ground, on various shapes said to resemble buns, sawteeth, bamboo shoots, camels, etc. There is not only a good view of the hills, but also one of the rivers.

 4. If you are in Guilin, how can you go to Yangshuo? To take a boat excursion down the Lijiang River  5. What does the phrase say about Yangshuo? “Guilin has the most beautiful scenery in China, and Yangshuo is the most beautiful part of Guilin”.