President John Adams and the “French Problem” President John Adams The XYZ Affair The Alien and Sedition Acts.


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Presentation transcript:

President John Adams and the “French Problem” President John Adams The XYZ Affair The Alien and Sedition Acts

The Election of 1796  Adams is elected president in 1796  Thomas Jefferson received the second largest number of votes  First time parties ran against each other Federalist president Anti-Federalist vice president  Anti-Federalists became the Democratic-Republicans!

The XYZ Affair  Britain and France still at war  French begin attacking American ships Wanted to stop U.S. from trading with Britain  Adams send U.S. officials to negotiate with France

The XYZ Affair  French agents demand a $10 million bribe before they would discuss a treaty Called themselves XYZ U.S. refused to give a cent!  Angered the pro-French Democratic-Republicans  Increased the division between the parties

The Alien and Sedition Acts  Federalists feared that Republicans and the French would become allies  French and British refugees came to the United States to escape the war  Federalists passed several laws to silence the Democratic-Republicans Alien and Sedition Acts

The Alien and Sedition Acts  Alien Act- gave the president the power to expel foreigners used against the French  Sedition Act- made it illegal to publish criticisms about the government Sedition- any action, especially in speech or writing, that causes rebellion

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions,1798  Jefferson and Madison believe that the Sedition Act violated the 1 st Amendment  They argue that states could nullify a federal law if the state believed it to be unconstitutional Nullify- to declare void or useless

 Based on states’ rights theory Rights not given to the federal government belong to the states EX. the right to judge whether the federal government is using its power properly  No other states adopted these resolutions  Issue died until 1800 The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions,1798

North Ridge Resolutions OL Just like Virginia and Kentucky, you are going to write a set of resolutions nullifying an NRMS rule you believe to be “unconstitutional”. The requirements for your resolutions are: 1.Must identify 1 rule to nullify 2.Must show how this rule violates a right guaranteed to you in the Constitution Can use Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) as a guide Can also show how it violates your unalienable rights