從 GEPT 到 New TOEIC I. Identify Assessments GEPT (basic 、 Intermediate) GEPT Intermediate & New TOEIC.


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Presentation transcript:

從 GEPT 到 New TOEIC I. Identify Assessments GEPT (basic 、 Intermediate) GEPT Intermediate & New TOEIC

GEPT 初級 GEPT 中級 New TOEIC 詞彙與結構  段落填空  閱讀理解  Single Double 從 GEPT 到 New TOEIC 題型

GEPT 初級 GEPT 中級 New TOEIC 詞彙與結構 段落填空 10 2 段 各 4~6 格 10 2 段 各 5 格 12 3 篇 各 4 題 閱讀理解 ~6 組 單篇 28 題 7-10 組 雙篇 20 題 四組, 各 5 題 從 GEPT 到 New TOEIC 題目數

GEPT 初級 GEPT 中級 New TOEIC 時間 題數 從 GEPT 到 New TOEIC Time Span

Assessment Features Elementary school students don’t have as _______ homework as junior high students do. A.moreB. much C.most D. many

Assessment Features Writing letters _______ not as difficult as you think. A.isB. are C.which is D. which are

Assessment Features Depending on the _______ he is in, the boss will either thank you for your suggestion or fire you for criticizing his plan. A.emotionB. behavior C.mood D. attitude

Assessment Features The bank has branches in Hong Kong and provides a broad range of retail and wholesale banking services. A. approximate B. approximating C. approximately D. approximation

Assessment Features Unemployment compensation provides a safety net for job losers in of new employment. A. abilityB. interest C. reasonD. search

GEPT Basic & Intermediate II. Assessment Features a) 單字 b) 片語 c) 結構

GEPT Intermediate & New TOEIC III. Assessment Features a) 單字 b) 片語 c) 結構

Tactics in Class Teaching Vocabulary Building  String-related approach( 串連法 ) 1) sound-related 2) form-related  Affix Approach ( 詞綴法 ) 1) prefix 2) suffix 3) root  Theme-centered approach( 主題法 )  Collocation ( 字詞搭配法 )

Tactics in Class Teaching Phrase Building  PV ( 片語化動詞 )  Prep. Clusters( 介系詞字串 )  Conj. Clusters( 連接詞字串 )  Verbal Clusters( 動詞群組字串 )

Tactics in Class Teaching Sentence Building  Nominals ( 名詞群組 )  Verbals ( 動詞群組 )  Adjectivals ( 形容詞群組 )  Adverbials ( 副詞群組 )  Conjunctions ( 連接詞群組 )

Tactics in Class Teaching Grammar Building  Distribution ( 銜接 )  Modification ( 修飾 )  F./F./P. ( 形式 / 功能 / 位置 )

In-Class Teaching In the long term, all of the species in the world, including humankind, will find it hard to survive, not to mention to flourish. Therefore, conserving our endangered species is not simply about saving beautiful plants and animals.

In-Class Teaching In the long term, all of the species in the world, including humankind, will find it hard to survive, not to mention to flourish.  All of the species in the world _is/are_ hard to survive. , including humankind,

In-Class Teaching _______, conserving our endangered species is not simply about saving beautiful plants and animals.  a) Thusb) However c) In additiond) Therefore

In-Class Teaching Therefore, _______ our endangered species is not simply about saving beautiful plants and animals.  a) conserving b) to conserve c) conserved) conserved

In-Class Teaching In the long term, all of the species in the world, including humankind, will find it hard to ___ themselves to the changing surroundings, not to mention to flourish.  a) adapt b) adept c) adjustd) adopt

In-Class Teaching In the long term, all the participants in the conference find it hard to accept the original copy of the ___ project, not to mention to carry it out.  a) adjustedb) adjusting c) adjustd) adjustment

In-Class Teaching Volunteers, helping others in need in time, have no intention to get anything in return, ___ a person with open mind.  a) suggestb) to suggest c) suggesting d) suggested

In-Class Teaching Volunteers help others in need in time, have no intention to get anything in return, and ___ a person with open mind.  a) suggestb) to suggest c) suggesting d) suggested

In-Class Teaching 26.(A) abbreviated (B) lengthened (C) knew (D) became 27.(A) In order to (B) Because of (C) In addition to (D) In case of 28.(A) with (B) from (C) to (D) of 29.(A) excluding (B) having (C) consisting (D) including 30.(A) To visit (B) Visit (C) Visiting (D) Visited

Word form Word choice Verb (tense) Modifiers Pronouns Prepositions Transitional word Conjunctions Cloze Tactics

考單字 : 同字源不同形  考文法 (derivational) 同詞性不同字  考句意 (context/distribution) 同字不同形  考文法 (inflectional) 相似字 / 音辨易  考句意 (context)

Cloze Tactics 考片語 : Nominals  名詞群組 Adjectivals  形容詞群組 Adverbials  副詞群組 Adverbals  動詞群組

Cloze Tactics 考文法 : 時貌 (aspect) 時式 (tense) 語態 (voice) 動狀詞 ( gerund/infinitive/participle ) 連接詞 / 介系詞 (conj./prep.) 轉折語 (transitionals)

How to prepare for GEPT? 知道題型 (L/R/W/S) 分析題目  統整知識  輸出  模擬試題 

How to prepare for New TOEIC? Time Span  Reading Speed  Reading skills  Locate 