WHERE DID THEY GO?. Do you really love GOD? Think of the following few questions and see if you really love HIM…


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Presentation transcript:


Do you really love GOD? Think of the following few questions and see if you really love HIM…

"Where are those good days of life, when you were just so hungry for GOD?”

WHY do we value our own things first, forgetting the moments when we were so close to GOD that we could feel GOD is all that we need?

When we receive our monthly payments we rush to the bottle stores, hotels, beaches and expensive inn to enjoy ourselves with friends forgetting the place of worship and even GOD Himself… Where is our love for GOD now? Where did the love go?

What about the fear/reverence that HE deserves? We go into His presence with our nasty behavior, covering our sins with a rapper in the name of “GOD will understand” or “this time is different from the past” or “I’ll repent after doing it” IS GOD ANY DIFFERENT FROM THE TIME OF MOSES?

Where did that fear for GOD go? Will GOD offer another sacrifice for our salvation? Will HE send another JESUS to die for our inequity?

Or why do you think JESUS died on the cross? Will there be any other sacrifice freely given than such of Christ? Why did he shed all the blood from his body to the point of bleeding water?

Where is our love for GOD if we don’t value His greatest sacrifice? Sacrifice that no man or brother can offer…

We rob GOD every day, every month, every year and run away from His presence but still say The LORD has abandoned me What should we say then; who has abandoned the other? GOD or you?

GOD is calling us back now and is ready to forgive us Isaiah 1:18 REMEMBER He is coming soon to reward everyone according to his works. Revelation 22:12

Return back to Him, give Him the respect and Love HE deserves then HE will honour your land… 2Chronicles 7:14-15


Please share this message with at least seven people and see GOD opening the heavens for you in seven days…