Jc : Good afternoon. It's Teen Time again and our host's Jc. For you reference, I'm a social worker. Today, I’ve invited Rachel to come up to our program.


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Presentation transcript:

Jc : Good afternoon. It's Teen Time again and our host's Jc. For you reference, I'm a social worker. Today, I’ve invited Rachel to come up to our program. Rachel meets some problems in her family and she needs your encouragement and support. Here's Rachel. PS: Afternoon, everybody. Jc: Rachel, can you give us some information about your family? PS: Yes, I live with my father, my younger sister and my elder brother. I'm in the middle. My mother died when my younger sister was born. Jc: I see. What’s the relationship in your family?

PS: I'm sad to say it's not harmonious. I've been fighting with my brother since I started talking. We fight about little things like who does the housework or who gets the most pocket money. I getPS: I'm sad to say it's not harmonious. I've been fighting with my brother since I started talking. We fight about little things like who does the housework or who gets the most pocket money. I get more pocket money than him because I go to school by KCR. He says that I never eat my dinner and that I waste the family's money. I mostly eat my dinner but sometimes I leave some because I don't like it. He says that if I don't eat it all, I'm wasting the family's money. It's none of his business but he says I should pay for the food I waste. It really annoys me.more pocket money than him because I go to school by KCR. He says that I never eat my dinner and that I waste the family's money. I mostly eat my dinner but sometimes I leave some because I don't like it. He says that if I don't eat it all, I'm wasting the family's money. It's none of his business but he says I should pay for the food I waste. It really annoys me. Jc: Who does the housework at home when you don't have a mother?Jc: Who does the housework at home when you don't have a mother? PS: I do it all. My day starts at 6 a.m. and I wake up and iron my brother's and my sister’s uniform. Then I'll wake my elder brother up and he'll get ready for school. I'll get my younger sister ready for school. After school, I will cook food for the family. The dinner should be ready by about 7 p.m. when Dad will be back. After dinner, I need to wash the dishes and give my younger sister a shower and let her watch TV for half an hour. Then I’ll put her to sleep before I can do my homework.PS: I do it all. My day starts at 6 a.m. and I wake up and iron my brother's and my sister’s uniform. Then I'll wake my elder brother up and he'll get ready for school. I'll get my younger sister ready for school. After school, I will cook food for the family. The dinner should be ready by about 7 p.m. when Dad will be back. After dinner, I need to wash the dishes and give my younger sister a shower and let her watch TV for half an hour. Then I’ll put her to sleep before I can do my homework.

Jc: Arguments and housework are common problems of most families and they are not so serious...Jc: Arguments and housework are common problems of most families and they are not so serious... PS: Yes, I agree. But what I can't bear is Dad. Recently he's been abusing our younger sister. Last month, he was fired and he got really bad-tempered. He started to hit my younger sister. The first time my sister's nose was broken I wasn't there. Sometimes I'd seen my father hitting her. It made me feel horrible and scared. I was scared of him too. Sometimes I'd just get out of the house with my friends.PS: Yes, I agree. But what I can't bear is Dad. Recently he's been abusing our younger sister. Last month, he was fired and he got really bad-tempered. He started to hit my younger sister. The first time my sister's nose was broken I wasn't there. Sometimes I'd seen my father hitting her. It made me feel horrible and scared. I was scared of him too. Sometimes I'd just get out of the house with my friends. Some of my friends didn't want to stay because they were scared of him. My best friends knew that he was hitting my sister but the rest just thought he was bad- tempered. He shouted at them. I felt horrible and ashamed.Some of my friends didn't want to stay because they were scared of him. My best friends knew that he was hitting my sister but the rest just thought he was bad- tempered. He shouted at them. I felt horrible and ashamed. Jc: I’m really sorry to hear all that. Now it’s time for the ads. After the ads, we’ll come back and you’re invited to phone in to give some advice to Rachel.Jc: I’m really sorry to hear all that. Now it’s time for the ads. After the ads, we’ll come back and you’re invited to phone in to give some advice to Rachel.