Hormones and Emotions
Contents 1.What is the hormone? 2.Biological Functions of the hormone 3.How does the hormone affect our emotions? 4.What are the adverse effects when it is in excess? 5.Suggestions to keep it functioning well
3 stages of love 1.lust ~relax body and induce pleasure 2.Attraction ~lose ability to think rationally ~neuro-transmitters - 'monoamines' like dopamine, norepinephrine (increase heart beats) and serotonin 3.Attachment ~love for duration ~calm, security, social comfort, emotional union ~allows parents to co-operate in raising children ~ hormones: oxytocin, vasopressin,endorphins
role of hormones in love Attraction stage a.Dopamine "pleasure chemical" b.Norepinephrine racing heart and excitement cause intense energy, sleeplessness, craving, loss of appetite and focused attention c. lower levels of serotonin love "obsess“
long-term commitment stage a.Vasopressin important controller of kidney b.Endorphin produces a general sense of smooth, peace and secure
What is the hormone? Oxytocin Made in pituitary gland
Biological Functions of oxyrocin 1.Mediating emotional experiences in close relationships. 2.Stimulating milk ejection 3.Stimulating uterine contraction during birth 4.Facilitating the emotional bond between mother and child
How does oxytocin affect our emotions? Pick out the salient features used to identify individuals A relatively small area of the human brain is active in love Neural mechanisms that are activated during the process of addiction
What are the adverse effects when it is in excess? Development of autistic spectrum disorders Related syndromes by proposed down regulation of the OT receptor
Suggestions Read books Have an all-rounded social relationship
What is the hormone? Cortisol secreted by the adrenal glands
Biological Functions of cortisol 1.Proper glucose metabolism 2.Regulation of blood pressure 3.Insulin release for blood sugar maintenance 4.Immune function 5.Inflammatory response
How does cortisol affect our emotions? A stress hormone Connection with abnormal ACTH levels, clinical depression, psychological stress Normal feedback system may break down when animals are exposed to chronic stress.
What are the adverse effects when it is in excess? 1.Impaired cognitive performance 2.Decreased bone density 3.Higher blood pressure 4.Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body
Suggestions Journaling Exercise Listening to music Yoga Self-hypnosis Meditation
What is the hormone? 20 hormones bring about the feeling of happiness endorphinsThe most effective hormone claimed is endorphins. Produced in pituitary gland, enkephalins and dynorphin
Biological Functions of endorphins 1.Relieving anxiety and tension 2.Facilitating muscle contractions 3.Strengthening bone tissues 4.Modulating appetite and the release of sex hormones 5.Reducing the sense of pain 6.Curing diseases like cancer and depression
When norepinephrine may be released, the person will be stressed out or feel angry How do endorphins affect our emotions? Endorphins are released It interacts with opiate receptor neurons to improve the one’s emotion The person becomes happy
Any adverse effects? NO!
How to increase the release of endorphins? Doing exercise Eating chocolate Reducing pressure
References Websites: Printed: Freeman, Scott (2002). Biological Science. Prentice Hall; 2nd Pkg edition (December 30, 2004). ISBN A. C. Guyton, J. E. Hall. Textbook of Medical Physiology. W.B. Saunders Company; 10th edition (August 15, 2000). ISBN X.
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