Marvelous By Chris Born 1996 April 20 Age 11
# Stuff Real World # Stuff More # Stuff Quiz Game Info Click on the LINKS for Glossary Extra # Stuff Click on Icon To return to this Slide
Quiz selection
Why did I choose 12? ABC A, and BA, and CB, and C A. I chose 12 because it’s my birthday. B. I chose 12 because there are 12 #s on a clock. C.I chose 12 because I will be 12 soon. Click on Answer
Wrong Quiz 2 Quiz 1
Real World # Stuff There are…. 12 #’s in a clock 12 spokes in a cart’s wheel 12 months in a year 12 people in a jury 12 signs of the Zodiac Midnight and Midday are at 12
# Stuff Factors Factors and DivisorsDivisors Products Products and MultiplesMultiples
12 would be a bad move in the factor game because you would get 12 and your opponent would get 16. Factor Game
Extra # stuff 12 2 x 6 2 x 2 x x 4 3 x 2 x 2 The Prime Factorizations of 12Prime Factorizations
More # Stuff 12 is a composite #composite 12 is eveneven 12 is an abundant #abundant Dimensions Dimensions of 12
Dimensions Which of these is a Dimension of 12? Click on a Table
Glossary 1 Factors: 1 of 2 whole #s that are multiplied to get a product e.g. 13,4 fs of 52 because 13x4=52. Divisors: A # that divides evenly into a given #. e.g. 5, 20/5=4 Product: The answer to a multiplication problem. e.g. 2x3=6 is the product
Glossary 2 Multiple: repeated addition of a #. e.g. 3x2=6, 3x3=9 Composite: A # with more than 2 fs: e.g. 4=1,2,4, Even: A # that is evenly divided by 2. e.g. 4/2=2 Prime: A # that has only 2 factors; 1 and itself. e.g. Fs of 2=1,2
Glossary 3 Abundant: A # that the sum of it’s proper factors is higher than the # itself. e.g. 12= =16 Dimension: A way to show Factor Pairs. e.g. The table is a dimension of 4 2x2 Factor Pairs: 2 factors of a # multiplied together to get that #
Glossary 4 Prime Factorization: A product made out of prime #s by dividing each composite # in the first # into primes and keep on going until the bottom is completely prime. ( all the #s are a factor of the first #) e.g. see extra # stuffprimesextra # stuff The Factor Game is for 2 players, player 1 circles a # then player 2 gets the sum of all the uncircled factors of the # then switch, player 2 chooses a # and player gets the sum of all the factors added together, the game ends when all #s are circle and winner is the one with the most points
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