© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Piloting Pyrolytic Cookstoves and Sustainable Biochar Soil Enrichment in Northern Vietnam Uplands Project No. 3.


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Presentation transcript:

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Piloting Pyrolytic Cookstoves and Sustainable Biochar Soil Enrichment in Northern Vietnam Uplands Project No. 3 – V – 048

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Objective Overall objective: To address the rural energy problems and soil degradation, and contribute to national policies on poverty reduction, deforestation and rural development Specific objective: To test biochar stove-cum-soil enrichment technology and prepare for up-scaling its application.

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Partners 1.CARE International in Vietnam 2.Soil and Fertiliser Research Institute (SFRI) 3.Population, Environment and Development Centre (PED) 4.Provincial Women Union in 2 provinces 5.Agriculture and Forestry Extension in 2 provinces 6.Advisory group: Professors from Cornell and New South Wale Universities

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. 2 Communes in Dinh Hoa district - Thai Nguyen province Beneficiaries: 300 hhs – Tay, Nung, San Chi 1 commune in Ba Thuoc district – Thanh Hoa province. Beneficiaries: 150 hhs – Muong Project sites

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Outputs 1.Households apply biochar stoves (400 HHs), use of fuelwood reduces 80%, and biomass 60% 2.Testing of biochar stoves 3.Study household application of biochar for soil enrichment 4.Replication and Up-scaling assessed and dissemination plan developed

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Activities and the results Output 1: Households apply biochar stoves 1.Conducted baseline, agriculture production and gender surveys

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Biochar Produced From Open Field Burning and Open fires Burning of most of the straw occurs in some fields and in others there is none or very little Soil samples from burnt and unburnt areasWood is aged underwater held down by bamboo Many household soak their wood and bamboo in a nutrient mineral rich pond before burning in a fire. The mineral matter that soaks into the biomass slows the combustion process and makes a large amount of biochar and ash.

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. The Context; Farmers Have Been Using Biochar for over 40 years Rice straw biochar from the field with NPK fertiliser around the spring onion seedlings

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Activities and the results Output 1: Cont. 3.Select stove types - Redesign and retest Imported 2 stove sample from india (TLUD; Sampada) Produced and distributed 60 biochar stoves in March 12 Produced 100 improved stoves and distributed in Thai Nguyen – May 2012 Produced 240 stoves in June.

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 1: Cont. 4.Train households in use of cook stove and biochar 3 courses on stoves using demonstration in 3 communes 6 courses on biochar making and using in 6 villages Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 2: Testing of biochar stoves 1.Import TLUD and Sampada stoves samples from India 2.Conducted the test in the lab with participation of advisory member from NSW. Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 2: Testing of biochar stoves 1.Survey household experiences with biocharstoves Tested with group of farmers and individual at households Conducted home based assessment of stove users satisfactoriness 2.Analyse other effects of biochar stoves Conducted WBT and CCT tests with farmers Gasses emission analysis Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Field work Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. 6 Kilns for producing biochar were made for 6 villages Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Kilns have been used for making biochar for all rice trials in the project sites Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 3: Study application of biochar 1.Conducted the surveys on soil types crop system, select field for trials 2.Set up 12 rice trials in Thai Nguyen and Thanh Hoa 3.Set up 22 garden vegetable trials in both provinces 4.Organized 2 field workshops for rice trial in 2 provinces 5.Set up 8 rice trials in 2 provinces Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Key Findings: Biochar application and its effect

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Women Making Biochar and Biochar Composts For Field Trials

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 4: Assessment of up-scaling 1.Study local manufacturing Many visits to local workshops Ha Tay, Bac Ninh, Hai Phong prov. Contracted them for spare parts 2.Support local stove production Financial support have been given to workshop in Thai Nguyen for manufacturing stoves. Produced and distributed 160 stoves to households. Continue produce 240 stoves, 30 fix stoves Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Output 4: Assessment of up-scaling 3.Engage cooperation partner staff in learning activities Organized field workshops at 2 communes and technical sharing WS at district Dissemination information in VTV2, Presentation at WS in US Apr 12, Published articles in IBI journal. Presentation at IBI’s WS in China Sep 12 Received visits from ADB, Global Cookstove Alliance Activities and the results

© 2005, CARE USA. All rights reserved. Thank you!