1 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Annual Report Lodi Unified School District Board of Education November 16, 2010 Michael Gillespie, Principal.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Annual Report Lodi Unified School District Board of Education November 16, 2010 Michael Gillespie, Principal

Executive Summary Met API goals school-wide and for Latino and socio- economically disadvantaged subgroups. Met 12 of 17 AYP goals including three safe harbor scores in math. Did not meet any ELA AYP goals. Math Percent Proficient in Grades 2-7 better than district and county scores. Positive three year trend for Algebra I scores in eighth grade. EL students in the dual immersion program outpace students on California English Language Development test (CELDT) criteria in the district, county, and state by eighth grade. Seventy-eight percent of eighth grade students met California English Language Development Criteria. In grades 6-8 all but one student scored in the Intermediate level or higher on the CELDT test.

3 Executive Summary Serna’s charter was renewed for five more years. The school will continue to work with WestEd and Action Learning Systems to utilize benchmarks in Spanish Language Arts and train teachers in the use of formative assessments. Serna will continue development of criteria for AP Track in Spanish at Lodi and Tokay High Schools Will continue development of “Seal of Bilingualism” through the California Department of Education for school year. Lengthened middle school math, English language arts and Spanish language arts periods for the school year. Parent participation exceeded 4,900 hours during the school year. There were high levels of parent satisfaction on the last parent survey conducted.

4 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Overview Met school-wide API goal of 701. Met API goals for Latino and socio-economically disadvantaged subgroups. Met 12 of 17 AYP goals including three safe harbor scores in math. Did not meet any ELA AYP goals. Over 4,900 hours of parent participation Art instruction in every class each week Parenting classes for nutrition, parenting skills, family literacy, and ESL/Citizenship.

5 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Core Elements of Serna Charter: Two-way Immersion – Proficiency in two languages, Intercultural understanding. Fidelity to instructional program and curriculum K-8 Integrated/Thematic Instruction – Problem solving, cooperative learning. Personalized Learning – Small School Community

6 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School Staff Development Focus Teachers spend an average of 40 hours in staff development each year. Two Way Immersion Teacher Development Literacy and Language Arts Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) Assessment and Data Analysis with WestEd

7 Joe Serna, Jr. Charter School - Demographics Demographics

8 Serna API Results 151 point gain over ten years

9 Math Percent Proficient Grades 2-7

10 Math Percent Proficient Comparison: Grades 2-7

11 CST Math Grades 2-7: Percent Proficient by Sub-groups

12 CST Algebra I: Three Year Trend

13 CST ELA Percent Proficient by Grade

14 CST ELA: Three Year Trend Grades 2-8

15 Percent of Students Meeting California English Language Development Test Criterion – Fall 2008

16 Summary There were increases in math from grades six to seven during the school year. Although the math scores trend downward from grades 2-7 Serna students had an increase in the number of students scoring proficient or above in all grades but one for the school year. There is a positive trend for ELA scores for all students for grades 2-8. The Dual Immersion program can have both positive and negative impact on CST results for ELA. High Levels of student and parent satisfaction.

17 ACTION PLAN The school adopted Envision Math for implementation in the school year. Teachers perform an individual analysis of both their current and former students to look for areas of strength and weakness in the educational program. Continue to implement the strategies outlined in the schools plan for improvement. This includes TAASA strategies, literacy strategies and Kinsella strategies. The school will continue to work with WestEd to establish benchmarks in Spanish Language Arts and train teachers in the use of formative assessments.

18 Action Plan - Continued Continue to implement math intervention in conjunction with the Bridges program on site after school. The principal will meet with all middle school students individually to discuss learning goals on the STAR assessments. The school will focus on the positive aspects of the STAR assessment by celebrating student and school success and talking about the importance of the assessment. Continue to target students in significant sub-groups whose results are in the basic level in order to increase student outcomes to the proficient level.

19 Action Plan- Continued Continue staff development and coaching in the area of literacy in grades K-8. Reading interventions for students in grade 1-8 include: after school intervention groups, reading resource intervention groups during the school day, intervention reading groups in grades 4-6 and guided reading groups in grades 1-3. The school will develop criteria for the “Seal of Bilingualism” through the California Department of Education.

20 Action Plan - Continued Students will continue to be referred to summer intervention programs. The school also utilizes the Instructional Support Team (IST) and Individualized Educational Program (IEP) processes to assist students who have special needs and are not meeting state, district, and school expectations. Eighth grade students will be placed in pre-AP and AP Spanish classes at the high school level in order to continue the development of their Spanish skills.